1. The default setting for a horizontal rule is …………..
A) shaded
B) unshaded
C) both
D) none of the above
2. …………… tag is used to embed an image in a webpage.
A) <img src=”pic.gif” />
B) <img src=”pic.gif” />
C) <img />
D) None of the above
3. This is a global collection of high-powered computer that is connected together with cables, telephone lines, microwave dishes, satellites etc.
A) Arpanet
B) Internet
C) Network
D) All of the above
4. ………… is used to point/select the screen coordinates by detecting the light.
A) Light Pen
B) Bar Code Reader
C) Digital Camera
D) Smart Cards
5. …………… displays information about the active document such as page number, section number, number of pages, insertion point, position, etc.
A) View Bar
B) Menu Bar
C) Status Bar
D) Ruler Line
Read Next: Objective Questions and Answers on a Computer Basis
6. ……….. a record means a new record to the file.
A) Amending
B) Updating
C) Editing
D) Appending
7. To move the cursor to the end of the document, press …………….
A) Ctrl+End
B) End
C) Alt+End
D) Shift+End
8. SMTP stands for
A) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
B) Simple Mail Transport Protocol
C) Sample Mail Transfer Protocol
D) Sample Mail Transport Protocol
9. JPEG stands for ……………
A) Joint Photo Experts Group
B) Joint Photogenic Experts Group
C) Joint Photographic Experts Group
D) Joint Photoelectric Experts Group
10. The shortcut key to start a new line without starting a new paragraph is ……
A) Ctrl+Enter
B) Shift+Enter
C) Alt+Enter
D) Enter
11. Which of the following is the most appropriate method for hard drive destruction?
A) Shredding
B) Drilling
C) Degaussing
D) Incineration
1. A) shaded
2. A) <img src=”pic.gif” />
3. B) Internet
4. A) Light Pen
5. C) Status Bar
6. D) Appending
7. A) Ctrl+End
8. A) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
9. C) Joint Photographic Experts Group
10. B) Shift+Enter
11. A) Shredding