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1000’s Best C++ and C MCQ Questions

Here you can find thousands of C++ and C MCQ questions including MCQ questions on the fundamentals and history of C language, keywords, variables, structures, and functions in C. It also includes control structures and conditional operators used in C. You will also find here the collections of top multiple-choice object questions on the fundamental of object-oriented programming in C++, tokens expressions and control structures, classes and objects used in C++, operator overloading, constructors and destructor, inheritance, polymorphism, pointers and virtual functions on C++.

Recommended Read: Get the 1000’s CS Multiple Choice Questions

C MCQ Questions Collections

This section on C MCQ questions includes collections of multiple-choice questions on the fundamentals and history of C language, keywords, variables, structures, and functions in C. It also includes control structures and conditional operators used in C.

C++ MCQ Questions Collections

This section includes sets of multiple-choice questions on principles of object-oriented programming in C++, procedure-oriented programming, benefits of OOP, and applications of OOP. It also includes MCQ on C++ features, main function, C++ comments, input and output operators, variables, statements, C++ objects, class, inheritance, polymorphism, and dynamic binding along with tokens, expressions, and control structures in C++.

Fundamental Of Object Oriented Programming

This section includes collections of multiple-choice questions on the history of C++ language, C++ keywords, and operators along with inline expressions and control structures, C++ operators, functions, and their types along with their characteristics, classes and objects, constructors, and destructors. It also includes procedure-oriented programming along with object-oriented programming, operator overloading, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling in C++.

Tokens Expressions And Control Structures

This section includes the collection of multiple-choice questions on different types of operators, scope resolution operators, member dereferencing operators, and memory management operators along with C++ manipulators and typecast operators. It also includes type cast operators and their types, derived data types such as an array, function, pointer, and reference and control structures.

Classes And Objects

This section includes the collections of MCQ questions on different ways of specifying a class and creating objects, defining and nesting of member functions, private, static, and constant member functions. It also includes static data members and methods of using objects as function arguments.

Constructors And Destructors

This section includes the collections of multiple-choice questions on different types of constructors such as parameterized constructors, default constructors, copy constructors, implicit constructors, and default argument constructors. It also includes objective questions on special characteristics of dynamic constructors in C++.

Operator Overloading

This section includes the collection of multiple-choice questions on C++ operators that can overload with providing special meaning to an operator along with the operators that can not be overloaded. It also includes different steps involved in the process of overloading, overloading unary and binary operators.

Inheritance And Polymorphism.

This section includes the collections of multiple-choice questions on inheritance and their types, single inheritance, multiple inheritances, multilevel inheritance, and hierarchical inheritance. It also includes MCQ questions on different types of polymorphism and pointers in C++.

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