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1000’s Best Java MCQ Questions Collection

This collection of multiple-choice questions on Java includes thousands of MCQ questions on the fundamentals of Java Programming Language, arrays, strings, and vectors. It also includes objective questions on Arrays, strings and vectors, interfaces and packages, Multi-threaded programming, and managing error and exceptions along with Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) of applet and graphics programming and managing Input/Output Files in Java.

MCQs on Fundamental of Java

This section includes collections of multiple choice objective questions on fundamentals and an overview of Java language, Java tokens, keywords, identifiers, literals and operators, constants, variables and data types in Java, Operators, and expressions, Control structure in Java, decision-making, and looping, the definition of classes, objects and methods.

MCQs on Operators and Control Flow Statements in Java

This section includes collections of multiple choice objective questions on arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operators, increment decrements operators, conditional operators, bit-wise operators, dot operator(.) and instance of operators, decision-making statements like if-else and switch statements, looping statements like for loop, while loop and do-while loop along with other statements like a break, continue and label statements.

MCQs on Arrays, Strings Vectors in Java

This section includes collections of multiple choice objective questions on different types of arrays like one-dimensional arrays and two-dimensional arrays, declaring the array, creating memory location, and most commonly used string methods in Java, vector class, and wrapper classes.

MCQs on Inheritance, Package And Interface in Java

This section includes a collection of multiple-choice questions on implementing inheritance in java and defining packages and interfaces. It also includes creating the package, adding more classes to a package, and accessing the contents of a package.

MCQ Questions on Streams and Applets in Java

This section includes the collections of multiple-choice questions on the methods used in InputStream, MarkableStream, and OutputStream classes in Java. It also includes objective questions on the definition of applets, the applet class, uses of applets in HTML, the life cycle of an applet, and the graphics class in Java Applet.

MCQ Questions on Exception Handling in Java

This section includes objective questions on Exception Handling in Java including quiz questions on compile-time and run-time errors that occurred in java programming. It includes the collections of objective questions from the definition of exception, exception classes, common java exceptions, and different exception handling keywords such as try, catch, and finally.

MCQ Questions on JDBC, JSP, And Java Beans

This section includes objective type multiple choice questions on fundamentals of JDBC, JSP, and Java Beans, the difference between Servlets and JSP, formats of JSP syntax, part of the java Developer’s Kit, and different phases of the servlet life cycle.

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