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1000’s Best Web Designing MCQ Questions

Here are the collections of 1000’s of web designing MCQ questions that include the multiple-choice questions on fundamentals of Internet and HTML, CSS1, CSS2 and CSS3 along with client-side JavaScript and core JavaScript language. It also includes top selected multiple-choice questions on fundamentals of XHTML and HTML, HTML5 presentation markup, document structures, element attributes and its references

Internet And HTML

This section includes web designing MCQ on fundamentals of internet and HTML along with the different elements and attributes used in HTML markup language.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

This section includes web designing MCQ on fundamentals of CSS and the history of CSS1, CSS2, and CSS3 along with the different rules used on CSS, CSS selectors, and their attributes.


This section includes web designing MCQ on JavaScript Programming Language includes the MCQs interview questions on fundamentals of JavaScript, client-side JavaScript, JavaScript window object, scripting documents in JavaScript, handling events in client-side JavaScript and jQuery library.


This section includes web designing MCQ on fundamentals of XHTML and HTML, HTML5 presentation markup, document structures, element attributes, and its references.


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