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Solved MCQ on Microsoft Word set-1

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Here is the collection of solved MCQ on Microsoft Word. It includes multiple-choice questions about different shortcut keys used on MS Word, Minimum and Maximum zoom size or font size used on MS Word, the maximum number of columns and types of mail merge documents.

1. In which shortcut key use to center the selecting text.
A) Ctrl+F
B) Ctrl+E
C) Ctrl+M
D) None of the above

2. You can Hyperlink the file
A) Pressing the Ctrl+Enter
B) Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter
C) Break command from the view menu
D) Both A and C

3. Which of the following is not a part of the standard office suite?
A) Word Processor
B) Database
C) Image Editor
D) File Manager

4. Which bar is usually located below that title bar that provides categorized options?
A) Menu bar
B) Toolbars
C) Status Bar
D) All of the above

5. Which of the following are valid Minimum and Maximum zoom size in MS Word?
A) 20, 200
B) 10, 300
C) 10, 500
D) 15, 400

6. Which of the following are the Minimum and Maximum font size of MS Word?
A) 1, 72
B) 2, 128
C) 4, 1800
D) 1, 1638

7. We can insert the Maximum number of Columns are
A) 35
B) 45
C) 25
D) 15

8. To move the cursor page to page of documents.
A) Ctrl+ Page Down
B) Ctrl+Page UP
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above

9. The four types of mail merge main documents are
A) Form letters, directories, catalogs and envelopes
B) Form letters, Envelops and Mailing labels, directories, and lists
C) Basic letters, envelopes, labels, and list
D) Form letters, envelopes, mailing labels and catalog

10. You can break the active column using
A) Break From Insert Command
B) Ctrl+Shift+Enter
C) Ctrl+Enter
D) Both A and B


1. B) Ctrl+E
2. D) Both A and C
3. D) File Manager
4. C) Status Bar
5. C) 10, 500
6. D) 1, 1638
7. B) 45
8. C) Both of the above
9. D) Form letters, envelopes, mailing labels and catalog
10. D) Both A and B

Read Next: Objective Questions on Microsoft Word set-2


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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