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CS/IT MCQ Collections

Computer Fundamental Questions and Answers set-10

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Here are the collections of computer fundamental questions includes the multiple-choice questions and answers on the fundamentals of the computer. It includes computer fundamental questions on computer memory, the advantage of using an IC, latency time, history of the computer, fundamentals of internet, and HTML with their answers.

1) The computer memory holds data and ….. A. Bytes
B. Program
C. Registers
D. Bits

2) A file that has been transferred to a lower level in the memory hierarchy is known as…
A. Random File
B. Archive File
C. Serial File
D. Sequential File

3) The computer that processes both analog and digital is called ..
A. Mainframe Computer
B. Hybrid Computer
C. Analog Computer
D. Digital Computer

4) The binary number 1000 is equivalent to the decimal number…
A. One thousand
B. Eight
C. One
D. Sixteen

5) A general-purpose single-use microcomputer designed to be operated by one person at a time is …
A. Special Purpose computer

6) ASCII Stand for
A. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
B. American Stable Code for International Interchange
C. American Standard Case for International Interchange
D. American Standard Code for Interchange Information

7) The checking operation performed in input data is called the …
A. Validation of data
B. Verification of data
C. Cross check
D. Control data

8) The most important advantage of an IC is its…
A. Easy replacement in case of circuit failure
B. Extremely high reliability
C. Reduced Cost
D. Low power consumption

9) The software in the computer…
A. Enhanced the capabilities of the hardware machine
B. Increase the speed of the central processing unit
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

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10) The larger RAM of the computer, the fastest processing speed is, since it eliminates ..
A. Need for external memory
B. Need for ROM
C. Frequent disk I/Os
D. Need for wider data path

11) The earlier device qualifies as a digital computer is …
B. Abacus

12) Latency time is …
A. Time to spin the needed data under head
B. Time to spin the needed data under the track
C. Time to spin the needed data under the sector
D. All of the above

13) Which of the following printer can be classified as a page at a time printer?
A. Laser Printer
B. Dot-matrix printer
C. Thermal Printer
D. Ink-jet printer

14) What are the units used to count the speed of a printer?

15) Who is the founder of Oracle Corporation?
A. Bill Gates
B. Laris Ellison
C. Andrew S Grove
D. Marc Andreson

16) Plotter prints …
A. with ballpoint pens
B. with ink pens
C. electrostatically
D. All of the above

17) Which of the following organizations looks at standards for representation of data on the Internet?
B. W3C

18) Who is the founder of BSD Unix?
A. Bill Gates
B. Dennis Ritchie
C. Bill Joy
D. Linux Torvalds

19) Which of the following topologies is highly reliable?
A. Star
B. Bus
C. Fully connected mesh
D. All of the above

20) People typically interface with a computer-based system when …
A. The information must be output
B. Data must be input
C. The information must be reviewed
D. All of the above


1) B. Program
2) B. Archive File
3) B. Hybrid Computer
4) B. Eight
5) D. PC
6) A. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
7) A. Validation of data
8) B. Extremely high reliability
9) A. Enhanced the capabilities of the hardware machine
10) C. Frequent disk I/Os
11) B. Abacus
12) A. Time to spin the needed data under head
13) A. Laser Printer
14) C. PPM
15) B. Laris Ellison
16) D. All of the above
17) B. W3C
18) C. Bill Joy
19) C. Fully connected mesh
20) A. Information must be output

Read Next: Computer Fundamental Quiz with Answer set-11


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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