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MCQ On Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) Part-1

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This set of MCQ on integrated service digital network (ISDN) includes collections of multiple-choice questions on the fundamentals of ISDN in computer networks. It includes MCQ on generations of ISDN, narrowband ISDN, services provided by ISDN, types of ISDN channels and the message formats for ISDN.

1. The narrowband ISDN has a smaller bandwidth and it can support the data rates of up to …………
A) 62Kbits/s
B) 64Kbits/s
C) 66Kbits/s
D) 68Kbit/s

2. The first generation of ISDN is called as a narrowband ISDN which has a …………… orientation.
A) circuit switching
B) datagram packet switching
C) message switching
D) virtual circuit packet switching

3. The main important technical contribution of B-ISDN is the ……
B) Frame relay
C) X.25

4. The main important technical contribution of narrowband ISDN is …..
B) Frame relay
C) X.25

5. Which of the following is/are the services provided by ISDN.
i) Existing voice applications   ii) Data applications   iii) Fascimile(FAX)   iv) Teletext services
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

6. The development of ISDN is governed by a set of recommendations issued by ………..

7. The …………….. connects a large number of ISDN subscriber loop signals to the digital network.
A) Digital Networking office
B) Digital Central Office
C) Integrated Network Office
D) Digital Service Office

8. The ISDN is governed by recommendations from ITU-T which are called as …………. of recommendations.
A) T-series
B) U-series
C) I-series
D) D-series

9. Which of the following is/are the operations performed by the digital central office.
i) It provides access to the circuit-switched network
ii) It provides subscriber access to the dedicated lines
iii) It accommodates multiplexed access via digital PBX and LAN
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iii only
D) All i, ii and iii

10. Digital central office providers subscriber access to the ………… networks and timeshare transaction-oriented computer services.
A) packet-switched
B) circuit-switched
C) message switched
D) telegraph switched

11. The standard electronic mail source components have been defined and approved by the CCITT which are known as ……………. family of standards for message handling system.
A) X.100
B) X.200
C) X.300
D) X.400

12. ……………. message handling system model in ISDN is used for system model and services elements.
A) X.400
B) X.401
C) X.408
D) X.410

13. …………… message handling system model in ISDN is used for remote operations and reliable transfer server.
A) X.400
B) X.401
C) X.408
D) X.410

14. The message format for ISDN can be classified into which of the following groups(s).
A) Call establishment message
B) Call control message
C) Call disconnect message
D) All of the above

15. In the group of call establishment messages contains which of the following messages.
i) Call set up
ii) User to use messages
iii) Call connect and disconnect acknowledgment
iv) Call processing alert
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

16. Call control message group includes which of the following messages.
i) Suspend or resume messages
ii) User to user messages
iii) Call release messages
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iii only
D) All i, ii and iii

17. ………… are used for negotiating the network facilities for supporting additional services such as direct inward dialing, call forwarding etc.
A) Call establishment message
B) Call control message
C) Call disconnect message
D) Other messages

18. ……………. field of a message format for ISDN gives reference to the channel information transfer activity to which a signaling packet pertains.
A) Protocol discriminator
B) Call reference
C) Message reference
D) Message type

19. State whether the following statements for the features of ISDN address structure are True or False.
i) The ISDN numbering plan is based on the telephone numbering plan
ii) It depends on the nature of service being provided
iii) It independent of the performance characteristics of the connection.
A) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
B) i-True, ii-False, iii-True
C) i-False, ii-True, iii-True
D) i-False, ii-False, iii-False

20. Which of the following is/are the types of ISDN channels.
i) A channel ii) B channel  iii) D channel  iv) H channel
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv


1. B) 64Kbits/s
2. A) circuit switching
3. D) ATM
4. B) Frame relay
5. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
7. B) Digital Central Office
8. C) I-series
9. D) All i, ii and iii
10. A) packet-switched
11. D) X.400
12. A) X.400
13. D) X.410
14. D) All of the above
15. C) i, iii and iv only
16. A) i and ii only
17. D) Other messages
18. B) Call reference
19. B) i-True, ii-False, iii-True
20. B) ii, iii and iv only

Read Next: MCQ on Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) Part-2 


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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