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How to Configure Proxies with Python for Web Scraping

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Web scraping is one of the best techniques businesses can implement for data extraction. However, the journey to scraping websites has never been easy. The web scraper deployed for the task has a lot of obstacles to overcome. One of these obstacles is getting blocked by websites they are scraping.

Thankfully, there’re ways to prevent websites from blocking web scrapers. You can reduce the crawling rate, use rotating IP addresses, use a headless browser, etc. However, one of the most effective ways to prevent getting blocked on websites is using proxies.

You can use proxies when sending different kinds of requests. In Python, you send HTTPS requests using various built-in modules and third-party tools. Professionals prefer Requests, a third-party tool that makes everything seem effortless. However, they still need proxies to avoid request blocks.

This article is a developer’s guide on how to configure proxies with Python to prevent websites from blocking web scrapers. Read on to find out more.

How To Configure Proxies With Python

As mentioned before, there are different ways to send requests in Python. This means the way you configure proxies with Python will depend on how you are sending requests. This article will be specific to how you can configure proxies with Python when sending HTTPS requests. Let’s get started with it.

Proxies and Requests in Python

The first thing here is to ensure everything gets set up correctly and that you have the basics. These include the URL you’ll send the request to and a working proxy. Next is knowing the proxy’s primary usage, the environmental variables, and how to create a session and use a proxy simultaneously.

Basics dictate that you ensure that your proxy dictionary follows a specific scheme. You also should specify the port, proxy address, and, most importantly, the protocol. You cannot configure a proxy and use it to send requests in Python if you don’t keep these basics in mind.

In order to configure proxies with Python, you also should know how to set environmental variables correctly. This can save you the hassle of defining the proxies for every request you send. The HTTPS requests will go through automatically when you have the correct variables, making the whole process smooth.

Lastly, you should be able to create a requests session object. The main benefit of a session object is that it makes it possible to persist specific parameters when making requests. You can significantly increase your performance if you can use proxy sessions.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import preprocessing

mysql = {
    "host": "localhost",
    "user": "root",
    "passwd": "my secret password",
    "db": "write-math",
preprocessing_queue = [
use_anonymous = True

Can IP Rotating Prevent Bans?

Getting your IP address blocked is one of the biggest challenges when scraping websites. It makes data extraction a daunting and lengthy process. As mentioned before, changing your IP address can be a perfect solution that will help you bypass the blocks put by websites.

One of the most efficient ways to change your IP address is by using a proxy. There are various kinds of proxies available, and all of them can help you get around IP bans. However, you are better off using a residential proxy because of its reliability and efficiency for web scraping.

But then, you must remember that a proxy is as good as the vendor. Therefore, the first thing to do is find a reliable vendor to supply you with a residential proxy. This will guarantee better service, and you’ll be safer when scraping websites as they won’t sell your IP address.

Multiple rotating proxies are effective for preventing IP bans on a website. But then, it is advisable to invest in your privacy rather than depend on free proxies. Buying a proxy guarantees you better safety and privacy. It also reduces the chances of getting banned, and you get better support from the vendor.

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How To Rotate IP Addresses with Every request

How To Rotate IP Addresses with Every request

You need many IP addresses to be able to rotate them and access a specific URL. However, there are challenges that you may face while trying to rotate IP addresses. An IP address or a proxy may not work, making it vital to change it to another one and see if it works.

This is easier done with IP addresses than with proxies. With IP addresses, you already have several options. If one doesn’t work, you choose another available address and try to re-access the URL. You can do this until you find one that works or exhaust the available IP addresses for different requests.

With proxies, there’s little to do if things don’t work for you. A proxy can get banned from a website, so you have to purchase another proxy to access the website. But then, you should give the proxy some time and keep retrying before you decide to delete it from the pool.

The easiest way to avoid errors with proxies is by working with reliable vendors. A good vendor will ensure that the proxy they sell to you will meet your needs. Thus, a little research on vendors will help you avoid the pains that come with proxies showing connection errors.

Is It Advisable To Use a Proxy Manager?

Another way to solve proxy issues is by investing in a proxy manager. This is a tool that will help you successfully send HTTPS requests with little input and less stress. A proxy manager such as “Zyte” does everything for you, including picking proxies and rotating them in the background.

A proxy manager is an excellent solution for people who find rotating proxies manually a challenge. It handles everything internally, making your work easier. Thus, it is advisable to use one, and thankfully most proxy managers offer free trials to first-time customers.

Read Also: How to Use Business Proxy to Grow Your Business


Configuring proxies to work with HTTPS requests in Python isn’t a straightforward process. If you are a beginner, you may have a hard time navigating through the steps. Besides, you may not know what to do if a proxy or IP address doesn’t work or gets blocked.

This article has provided great insights to help you to configure proxies with Python through this process. It has looked into how you can prevent IP bans using proxies and rotate proxies for better privacy. These tips will help you get started with proxies, send requests without getting banned, and scrap websites successfully.


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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