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Does Domain Authority Still Consider a Ranking Factor in 2023?

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The rapid innovation in the field of internet and online marketing has opened many doors. In a recent study, it has been found that more than 30% of business activities are conducted online.

It is a huge proportion compared to past years. That is why it has become difficult for every business or website to stand on the top position in SERPs.

This is the dream of every owner because he can’t engage the audience to boost his business without a top position. It is rare when a reader leaves the first position or page of Google and moves toward the second one.

Therefore, you must have to gain a high position to make your website prominent in almost every search engine. No doubt, it seems very simple to do this but in reality, you will find it even more than your expectations.

There are multiple factors that we can keep in mind while looking to rank a website or position in SERPs. Some of those factors are still confusing because SEO experts don’t have a single point of view on them.

That is why we have decided to show you a complete overview of one of those factors. You should read this blog till the end for getting a better understanding of this factor and learn how to increase it.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority or DA is a MOZ introduced factor that became popular in a few years. The scale varies from 1 to 100 and every website is given a specific score as per its activities.

This factor predicts how much potential a website has to rank in the top positions. In simple words, the more DA score a website has been labeled with, the higher chances of its ranking are.

As it is created by a third-party SAAS platform, therefore, it is not considered a Google ranking factor according to many SEO experts. But when we analyze SERPs results, we found a clear impact of DA on the ranking.

In the following lines, we will briefly show you why Domain Authority by MOZ is still considered a confusing factor.

Why is Domain Authority a confusing factor in the list of ranking factors?

Domain Authority is not a factor introduced a month ago or two months ago. But it was introduced by MOZ many years ago. Still, it is a confusing factor for many SEO experts.

Does the question come about why it is a confusing factor? There are multiple reasons behind this one of which is the statements given by some authorities of Google.

According to John Muller (Google’s Search Advocate), there is no term named Domain Authority that is considered by the Google algorithm. He said that DA is only a metric calculated by MOZ, not a search engine for ranking purposes.

To elaborate on this question, he claimed in an interview that PageRank is a factor that is considered a Google ranking factor by our search engine’s algorithm. After reading this, you might be thinking to avoid focusing on DA and moving toward other factors.

But we still have some facts to show you for better understanding. In research done by SEO experts, they have found that DA has a prominent factor in the ranking of SERPs. Here is the result of the top 3 websites ranking on a single keyword with the DA score. 

result or top 3 websites ranking on a single keyword with the DA score

No doubt, Google clearly said that it does not consider this factor. But you will see that a website with a high DA score is ranking in the top positions as compared to a low DA website even with high-quality content.

This reality shows that DA calculated by MOZ has a great impact on the search ranking. The possible reason is that the calculation process might be similar to Google’s analysis for ranking a website.

How to check the Domain Authority of a website?

When you have learned about Domain Authority in detail, you might be looking at how to check a website. 

In this section, we will show you how to check this metric. Also, we will give you some tips that would be effective for you to increase the DA score of your website.

A user can simply check the DA of a website by copying the URL of the website.

Now, you have to open a DA PA checker to start this analysis. Here you will get a link insertion box that you have to use in this regard.

You may insert the link in the box and click on the Check Authority button. This tool will directly fetch data from the MOZ database and show you exact metrics.

fetch data from the MOZ database and show you exact metrics

It will show you Domain Authority, Page Authority, MOZ score, and a few other metrics. In this way, you can have a look at multiple factors related to your concerned website on a single screen.

Tips to improve the DA of any website

After you get an eye on the DA score of your website, you must be looking to learn how to improve that score. No doubt, it will not give you an instant push in the ranking but it will show whether you have worked enough to rank or not.

In turn, you can easily set an SEO strategy for your business or website and implement it for better outcomes. There are multiple tips that many SEO experts recommend implementing for gaining Domain Authority. Here is a precise list of those factors that you should focus on for better outcomes.

Backlink’s creation

First of all, you should learn the basic concept behind DA to understand this section. Actually, the main and most important factor in calculating authority is backlinks.

These links show how much a website is recommending that specific website. In simple words, when a website gives any of your blogs or articles a link, it is recommending your site for proper information.

That is why it is important to create backlinks for your website to get a better DA score. Many people start making links without proper attention because they think that number of backlinks is important.

In reality, it does not matter how many links you are getting or creating. But the quality matters a lot when it comes to getting link juice from that website’s authority.

Therefore, you should focus on the quality of links instead of the number of backlinks that you are creating for your website.

Provide quality content

 quality content

Another important factor that will give the DA score a push is the content that you are publishing on your website. You should focus on this factor properly if you want to get beyond the expected outcomes.

It is because when you publish quality content, it will cover multiple sections. First of all, quality content will engage people for more time. Also, it will encourage other webmasters to create natural backlinks for your website.

In turn, you can easily overcome various factors just by providing quality content.

Do comprehensive analysis

When it comes to SEO or ranking in SERPs, the first thing you should consider is the competitor’s analysis. Without having a deep look at the site of your competitor, you can’t make an SEO plan and implement it properly.

The same you have to do while looking to increase the Domain Authority of your website. You should do a complete analysis of your competition using different tools.

In the end, you will be able to know the plan they have implemented to rank. In this way, you can set your goals and make a plan more perfect than that website to beat its rank.

Final Wrapping

With the above guide, you have now learned whether DA is impactful in search engine ranking or not. Also, you have learned the best tips that you need to focus on for giving a push to the DA score of your website.

By understanding this beneficial guide, you will be able to make your website’s progress smooth and get high authority.


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 8 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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