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20 Objective Questions on Classes and Objects in PHP

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Here are the collections of objective questions on classes and objects in PHP includes multiple-choice questions on the fundamentals of classes and objects in PHP. It includes MCQ questions on the different functions such as class_alias(), class_exists(), _ _isset(), get_class(), get_class_methods(), _ _unset(), get_class_vars(), get_parent_class(), _ _wakeup() etc. used on classes and objects in PHP.

Read Also: Top 20 MCQ Questions on Classes and Objects in PHP

1) The …. function allows the class to be referred to by more than one name.
A. class_referred()
B. class_exists()
C. class_multiple()
D. class_alias()

2) The …. function returns TRUE if the class specified by class_name exists within the currently executing script context and returns FALSE otherwise.
A. class_available()
B. class_exists()
C. is_class_name()
D. is_class_exists()

3) … is triggred by calling isset() or empty() on inaccessible or non-existing properties.
A. _ _ set()
B. _ _ get()
C. _ _isset()
D. _ _isempty()

4) The …. function returns the name of the class to which the object belongs and returns FALSE if the object is not an object.
A. class_name()
B. get_class()
C. is_class_name()
D. get_class_exists()

5) The …. function returns an array containing all method names defined by the class_name.
A. class_name()
B. get_class()
C. get_class_name()
D. get_class_methods()

6) … is invoked when uset() is used on inaccessible or non-existing properties.
A. _ _ set()
B. _ _ get()
C. _ _isset()
D. _ _unset()

7) The …. function returns an associative array containing the names of all properties and their corresponding values defined within the class specified by class_name.
A. get_class_vars()
B. get_object_vars()
C. get_class_values()
D. get_object_vars()

8) The …. function returns an array containing the names of all classes defined within the currently executing script.
A. get_parent_classes()
B. get_object_classes()
C. get_declared_classes()
D. get_object_vars()

9) … is used to commit pending data or perform similar cleanup tasks.
A. _ _ commit()
B. _ _ sleep()
C. _ _cleanup()
D. _ _unset()

10) The …. function returns an associative containing the defined properties available to object and their corresponding values.
A. get_parent_class()
B. get_object_classes()
C. get_declared_classes()
D. get_object_vars()

11) The …. function returns the name of the parent of the class to which the object belongs.
A. get_parent_class()
B. get_object_classes()
C. get_declared_classes()
D. get_object_vars()

12) … is used to re-establish any database connections that may have been lost during serialization and perform other reinitialization tasks.
A. _ _ re_estiblish()
B. _ _ wake()
C. _ _wakeup()
D. _ _unset()

13) The …. function determines whether an interface exists, returning TRUE if it does, and FALSE otherwise.
A. class_exists()
B. interfase_exists()
C. exists()
D. method_exists()

14) The …. function returns TRUE if the object belongs to a class of type class_name or if it belongs to a class that is a child of class_name.
A. is_class()
B. is_object_belongs()
C. is_a()
D. is_a_class()

15) The … method allows a class to decide how it will react when it is treated as a string.
A. _ _ tostring()
B. _ _ string()
C. _ _decide()
D. _ _isstring()

16) The …. function returns TRUE if the object belongs to a class inherited from class_name and returns FALSE otherwise.
A. is_class()
B. is_class_of()
C. is_subclass_of()
D. is_class_inherited()

17) The …. function returns TRUE if a method named method_name is available to object and returns FALSE otherwise.
A. class_exists()
B. interfase_exists()
C. exists()
D. method_exists()

18) The … method is called when a script tries to call an object as a function.
A. _ _ set()
B. _ _ call()
C. _ _invoke()
D. _ _wakeup()

19) The function … can be used to retrieve a string with the name of the called class.
A. get_called_class()
B. called_class()
C. retrieve_class()
D. retrieve_called_class()

20) … returns a string containing a byte-stream representation of any value that can be stored in PHP.
A. unserialize()
B. serialize()
C. return_stream()
D. return_string()


  1. D. class_alias()
  2. B. class_exists()
  3. C. _ _isset()
  4. B. get_class()
  5. D. get_class_methods()
  6. D. _ _unset()
  7. A. get_class_vars()
  8. C. get_declared_classes()
  9. B. _ _ sleep()
  10. D. get_object_vars()
  11. A. get_parent_class()
  12. C. _ _wakeup()
  13. B. interfase_exists()
  14. C. is_a()
  15. A. _ _ tostring()
  16. C. is_subclass_of()
  17. D. method_exists()
  18. C. _ _invoke()
  19. A. get_called_class()
  20. B. serialize()

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Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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