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CS/IT MCQ Collections

Solved MCQ of Basic of IT Set-1

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This set of solved MCQ of basic of IT includes the collection of multiple-choice questions on basic IT. It also includes MCQ questions on a number systems, fundamentals of Internet and HTML, and FTP.

1. Binary code “0” means …………
A) State of absence
B) State of presence
C) State of Negative
D) State of Positive

2. …………. is a compulsory part of HTML.
A) <br>
B) <body>
C) <tr>
D) <img>

3. CAI stands for …………….
A) Computer-Aided Instruction
B) Computer-Aided information
C) Cost Added Information
D) Computer-Aided Infrastructure

4. Maximum font size in HTML is ………..
A) 6
B) 7
C) 5
D) 8

5. MICR reader is an …………… device.
A) Input
B) Output
C) Electric
D) Storage

Read Also: Objective Questions on Computer Fundamentals

6. Internet is ……………..
A) Network of Networks
B) Networks of Communication
C) Networks of Data
D) Group of LAN

7. …………….. is a standalone tag.
A) <img>
B) <body>
C) <head>
D) <p>

8. FTP stands for
A) Folder Transfer Protocol
B) File Transfer Process
C) File Transfer Protocol
D) File Text Protocol

9. Hexadecimal number system has …………..base.
A) 16
B) 14
C) 12
D) 08

10. HTML stands for
A) Hypertext Mass up language
B) Hypertext Markup language
C) Hypertext Move up language
D) Hypertext Mark of language

Read Also: Microsoft Word Objective Questions with Answers

1. A) State of absence
2. B) <body>
3. B) Computer-Aided information
4. B) 7
5. A) Input  
6. A) Network of Networks
7. A) <img>
8. C) File Transfer Protocol
9. A) 16
10.B) Hypertext Markup language 

Read Next: Solved Objective Questions of Computer Fundamental set-2


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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