In this program we will find the sum and average of the given numbers using do-while loop which allows to calculate the sum and average.
Do-while loop is a looping condition where statements are executed continuously until the condition validates and test the condition after having executed the statements within the loop.
This means that do-while would execute its statements at least once, even if the condition fails for the first time.
Scanf() command is used here to allow enter the numbers and sum=sum+num; to sum the numbers within do-while loop.
C Program to Find the Sum and Average of Numbers Using Do-While Loop
- Declare two integers i and n and also initialize i with 0.
- Declare three floats sum, avg and num and initialize sum with 0.
- Print the message on the screen to enter how many numbers want to find sum.
- Use do-while loop to insert the numbers calculate the sum and average.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i=0,n; float sum, avg, num; clrscr(); sum=0; printf("How many numbers you want to find sum and averagen"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the numbersn"); do{ scanf("%f", &num); sum=sum+num; i++; } while (i<n); avg=sum/n; printf("Sum=%fn", sum); printf("Average=%fn", avg); getch(); }
Read Next: Write a Program in C to Find if a Number is Present in a List or not
Hello all,
I have a question..
Actually I want to get average for n numbers.My condition is if typing the numbers I want to end that I type some character like as q,
after that calculate the average.
thanks.. i really appreciate.. it solved my assignment