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Solved MCQ on Operating System-OS Set-6

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This set of multiple-choice questions on the operating systems includes collections of solved MCQ on operating system-OS fundamentals. It includes MCQ questions on process scheduling, functions of operating system(OS), long term, and short term scheduling.

1. …………. Involves treating main memory as a resource to be
allocated to and shared among a number of active processes.
A) Partition management
B) Memory management
C) Disk management
D) All of the above

2. A process that execute only in main memory is referred to
as ……………… and that allocated in disk is referred to a …………….
A) virtual memory, true memory
B) virtual memory, real memory
C) real memory, virtual memory
D) imaginary memory, real memory

3. In process scheduling, …………………… determines when new
processes are admitted to the system.
A) long term scheduling
B) medium term scheduling
C) short term scheduling
D) none of the above

4. In process scheduling, ………………… determines which ready
process will be executed next by processor.
A) long term scheduling
B) medium term scheduling
C) short term scheduling
D) none of the above

5. The sum of the seek time, and the rotational delay is called the ………………..
A) reached time
B) access time
C) arrived time
D) common time

Read Also: Solved MCQ of Operating System Theory

6. The …………….. policy segments the disks request queue into sub queues of the length N.
C) N-Step SCAN

7. Which of the following are the functions of operating system?
i) recovering from errors                  ii) facilitating input/output
iii) facilitating parallel operation    iv) sharing hardware among users
v) implementing user interface
A) i, ii, ii, and v only
B) i, ii, iii, and iv only
C) ii, iii, iv and v only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

8. File management function of the operating system includes
i) File creation and deletion                         ii) Disk scheduling
iii) Directory creation                                      iv)
Mapping file in secondary storage.
A) i, ii and iii only
B) i, iii and iv only
C) ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

9. The ……………. Determines when a page should be brought into
main memory.
A) Fetch policy
B) Placement policy
C) Replacement policy
D) Resident set management

10. With …………………. A page is written out to secondary memory
only when it has been selected for replacement.
A) pre-cleaning
B) demand cleaning
C) required cleaning
D) fast cleaning


1. B) Memory management
2. C) real . virtual memory
3. A) long term scheduling
4. C) short term scheduling
5. B) access time
6. C) N-Step SCAN
7. D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
8. B) i, iii and iv only
9. A) Fetch policy
10.B) demand cleaning

Read Next: MCQ Questions on Operating System set-7
Read More: Operating system MCQ Questions Collection


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