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Solved MCQ on Oracle and Distributed Databases set-3

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This set of MCQ on oracle and distributed databases includes solved multiple-choice questions on the fundamentals of oracle and distributed databases. It also includes collections of interview questions about oracle client and oracle server, memory components of Oracle and various background processes, PGA, SGA etc.

1. The …………………… consists of physical files and memory components.
A) Oracle Client
B) Oracle Server
C) Oracle Middle-ware
D) Oracle Instance

2. The ……………………… consists of the memory components of Oracle and various background processes.
A) Oracle Parameter
B) Oracle Profile
C) Oracle Process
D) Oracle Instance

3. The Oracle Instance is made up of the ………………………. and background processes.
A) System Global Area (SGA)
B) Oracle Global Area (OGA)
C) Program Global Area (PGA)
D) Private SQL Area (PSA)

4. The background processes of the Oracle instance are responsible for performing …………………. I/O functions.
A) Synchronous
B) Asynchronous
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above

5. The PGA is used to process ………………………… and to hold logon and other session information.
A) SQL Statements
B) Server Processes
C) User Processes
D) Shared Statements

6. In SGA, the contents of the memory area are shared by multiple users is called as …………………..
A) Redo Log Buffer
B) Database Buffer Cache
C) Shared Pool
D) Large Pool

7. In Oracle Database ………………….. Contain the data dictionary and user created data.
A) Data Files
B) Control Files
C) Redo Log Files
D) Password Files

8. The ………………………….. keeps a record of the names, size locations different physical files of the Oracle Database.
A) Data File
B) Control File
C) Redo Log File
D) Password File

9. In Oracle Database, ……………………………… is used to hold the names of privileged users who have been granted the SYSDBA or SYSOPR roles.
A) Data File
B) Control File
C) Redo Log File
D) Password File

10. In Oracle, the end of the transaction is recorded in the ……………………….. files.
A) Data
B) Control
C) Redo Log
D) Password

1. B) Oracle Server
2. D) Oracle Instance
3. A) System Global Area (SGA)
4. B) Asynchronous
5. A) SQL Statements
6. C) Shared Pool
7. A) Data Files
8. B) Control File
9. D) Password File
10. C) Redo Log

Read Next: Solved MCQ of Oracle and Distributed Database set-4
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Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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