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Programming MCQs

Solved MCQ on C Programming set-3

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Here is the collection of solved MCQ on C programming language includes the multiple-choice questions on fundamentals of C programming. It includes solved MCQ on keywords and tokens in C, history of C language, file manipulation functions in C, and the C input function.

1. C language is available for which of the following operating systems?
B) Windows
C) Unix
D) All of the above

2. Which of the following are tokens in C?
A) Keywords
B) Variables
C) Constraints
D) All of the above

3. C was developed in the year …………………
A) Between 1969 to 1973
B) Between 1970 to 1974
C) Between 1965 to 1969
D)  Between 1973 to 1979

4. Which escape character can be used to beep from the speaker in C?
A) a
B) b
C) m
D) n

5. Which of the following is a keyword is used for storage class?
A) printf
B) external
C) auto
D) scanf

6. Continue statement is used ………….
A) to go to the next iteration in a loop
B) come out of a loop
C) exit and return to the main function
D) restarts iteration from beginning of loop

7. File manipulation functions in C are available in which header file?
A) streams.h
B) stdio.h
C) stdlib.h
D) files

8. A compiler …………….
A) is a computer program
B) translates a high-level language into machine language
C) is a part of the software
D) editor

9. Explicit type conversion is known as ………………..
A) casting
B) conversion
C) disjunction
D) separation

10. A function popularly used C input function
A) scanf
B) printf
C) getch
D) Char


1. C language is available for which of the following operating systems?
D) All of the above
2. Which of the following are tokens in C?
D) All of the above
3. C was developed in the year …………………
A) Between 1969 to 1973
4. Which escape character can be used to beep from the speaker in C?
A) a
5. Which of the following is a keyword is used for storage class?
C) auto
6. Continue statement is used ………….
A) to go to the next iteration in a loop
7. File manipulation functions in C are available in which header file?
B) stdio.h
8. A compiler …………….
B) translates a high-level language into machine language
9. Explicit type conversion is known as ………………..
A) casting
10. A function popularly used C input function
A) scanf

Read next: MCQ on C Programming With Answers set-4
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C programming MCQ Questions Collections


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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