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Solved MCQ on Distributed Database Transaction Management set-4

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Here are the collections of solved MCQ on distributed database transaction management. It includes MCQ questions on fundamentals of transaction management, Commits and rollback, committing a transaction, transaction processing monitor and Shrinking Phase.

1) Commit and rollback are related to ……….
A. data integrity
B. data consistency
C. data sharing
D. data security

2) The transaction wants to edit the data item is called as …….
A. Exclusive Mode
B. Shared Mode
C. Inclusive Mode
D. Unshared Mode

3) For committing a transaction, the DBMS might discard all the records.
A. after image
B. before image
C. log
D. redo log

4) A sophisticated locking mechanism is known as 2-phase locking which includes Growing phase and …….
A. Shrinking Phase
B. Release phase
C. Commit phase
D. Acquire Phase

5) A Transaction ends
A. only when it is Committed.
B. only when it is Rolled-back
C. when it is Committed or Rolled-back
D. only when it is initialized

6) In ………., each transaction there is a first phase during which new lock is acquired.
A. Shrinking Phase
B. Release phase
C. Commit phase
D. Growing Phase

7) A transaction processing system is also called as …….
A. processing monitor
B. transaction monitor
C. TP monitor
D. monitor

8) The transactions are always ……… if it always locks a data item in the shared mode before reading it.
A. well-formed
B. well distributed
C. well locked
D. well shared

9) ………. servers which is widely used in relational database systems.
A. Data servers
B. Transaction servers
C. Query servers
D. Client servers

10) If a distributed transactions are well-formed and 2-phase locked, then ……………. is the correct locking mechanism in the distributed transaction as well as in centralized databases.
A. two-phase locking
B. three phase locking
C. transaction locking
D. well-formed locking

11) ……… property will check whether all the operation of a transaction completed or none.
A. Atomicity
B. Consistency
C. Isolation
D. Durability

12) The total ordering of operations across groups ensures ………..of transactions.
A. serializability
B. synchronizability
C. atomicity
D. durability

13) In which state, the transaction will wait for the final statement has been executed?
A. Active
B. Failed
C. Aborted
D. partially committed

14) The ORDER concurrency control technique is based on the property.
A. ordering mechanism
B. inherent ordering
C. total ordering
D. partial ordering

15) Transactions per rollback segment is derived from …..
A. Db_Block_Buffers
B. Processes
C. shared_Pool_size
D. buffers

16) The …………is responsible for ensuring the correct execution in the presence of failures.
A. Database Manager
B. Transaction Manager
C. Recovery Manager
D. Executive Manager

17) A distributed transaction can be …………. if queries are issued at one or more nodes.
A. fully read-only
B. partially read-only
C. fully read-write
D. partially read-write

18) The distributed transaction can be completely read-only and the transaction is started with a ………. READ ONLY statement.

19) The initialization parameter …………….. controls the number of possible distributed transactions in which a given instance can concurrently participate, both as a client and a server.

20) A database administrator can manually force the COMMIT or ROLLBACK of a local ………… distributed transaction.
A. in-force
B. in-doubt
C. in-local
D. in-manual


1) B. data consistency
2) A. Exclusive Mode
3) B. before an image
4) A. Shrinking Phase
5) C. when it is Committed or Rolled-back
6) D. Growing Phase
7) C. TP monitor
8) A. well-formed
9) B. Transaction servers
10) A. two-phase locking
11) A. Atomicity
12) A. serializability
13) D. partially committed
14) C. total ordering
15) B. Processes
16) A. Database Manager
17) B. partially read-only
20) B. in-doubt

Read Next: Solved MCQ on Database Backup and Recovery in DBMS set-1
Read More: Collections of DBMS MCQ questions
Download: Free PDF E-book of DBMS MCQ questions


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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