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Objective Questions on Relational Algebra with Answer set-1

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This set of MCQ questions includes the objective questions of relational algebra with their answers. It also includes MCQs about the basic set of operations for manipulating relational data and E-R diagram.

1. Which of the following relational algebra operations do not require the participating tables to be union-compatible?
A. Union
B. Intersection
C. Difference
D. Join

2) Relational Algebra does not have
A. Selection operator
B. Projection operator
C. Aggregation operator
D. Division operator

3) Tree structures are used to store data in
A. Network model
B. Relational model
C. Hierarchical model
D. File-based system

4) The rule that a value of a foreign key must appear as a value of some specific table is called a
A. Referential constraint
B. Index
C. Integrity constraint
D. Functional

5) It is an abstraction through which relationships are treated as higher-level entities.
A. Generalization
B. Specialization
C. Aggregation
D. Inheritance

6) The operation which is not considered a basic operation of relational algebra is
A. Join
B. Selection
C. Union
D. Cross product

7) In SQL the statement select*from R,S is equivalent to
A. Select * from R natural join S
B. Select * from R cross join S
C. Select * from R union join S
D. Select * from R inner join S

8) When an E-R diagram is mapped to tables, the representation is redundant for
A. Weak entity sets
B. weak relationship sets
C. Strong entity sets
D. strong relationship sets

9) If two relations R and S are joined, then the non-matching tuples of both R and S are ignored in
A. left outer join
B. right outer join
C. full outer join
D. inner join

10) Relational Algebra is
A. Data Definition Language
B. Meta Language
C. Procedural query Language
D. None of the above

11) If an entity can belong to only one lower level entity then the constraint is
A. disjoint
B. partial
C. overlapping
D. single

12) The common column is eliminated in
A. theta join
B. outer join
C. natural join
D. composed join

13) In E-R diagram total participation is represented by
A. double lines
B. Dashed lines
C. single line
D. Triangle

14) Relationships among relationships can be represented in an E-R model using
A. Aggregation
B. Association
C. Weak entity sets
D. Weak relationship sets

15) Which of the following constitutes a basic set of operations for manipulating relational data?
A. Predicate calculus
B. Relational calculus
C. Relational algebra

16) Relational calculus is a
A. Procedural language
B. Non-Procedural language
C. Data definition language
D. High level language

17) Cartesian product in relational algebra is
A. a Unary operator
B. a Binary operator
C. a Ternary operator
D. not defined

18) In an E-R diagram attributes are represented by
A. rectangle
B. square
C. ellipse
D. triangle

19) In an E-R diagram, an entity set is represented by a
A. rectangle
B. ellipse
C. diamond box
D. circle

20) E-R model uses this symbol to represent the weak entity set?
A. Dotted rectangle
B. Diamond
C. Doubly outlined rectangle
D. None of these


1) D.Join
2) C. Aggregation operator
3) C. Hierarchical model
4) A. Referential constraint
5) C. Aggregation
6) A. Join
7) B. Select * from R cross join S
8) B. weak relationship sets
9) D. inner join
10) C. Procedural query Language
11) B. partial
12) C. natural join
13) A. double lines
14) A. Aggregation
15) C. Relational algebra
16) B. Non-Procedural language
17) B. a Binary operator
18) C. ellipse
19) A. rectangle
20) C. Doubly outlined rectangle

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