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Solved MCQ on Ms PowerPoint in Ms Office set-1

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Here is the collection of solved MCQ on Ms PowerPoint including multiple-choice questions on the fundamentals of Microsoft Powerpoint. It includes objective-type questions on toolbars used on Powerpoint, page setup orientation for slides in PowerPoint, different types of views on Powerpoint, and selecting more than one slide in the slide sorter view.

Read Also: Solved MCQ on Microsoft Excel in MS Office set-1

1) Which of the following toolbars provide different options in various master views?
A. Common Task Toolbar
B. Drawing Toolbar
C. Formatting Toolbar
D. Standard Toolbar

2) Which of the following allows you to select more than one slide in the slide sorter view?
A. Alt+Click on each slide
B. Shift+Drag each slide
C. Shift+Click on each slide
D. Ctrl+Click each slide

3) The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except
A. Slide number
B. Title
C. Footer
D. Header

4) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for slides in PowerPoint?
A. Vertical
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. Tail

5) The boxes that are displayed to indicate that the text, pictures, or objects placed in it are called…
A. Placeholder
B. Auto text
C. Text Box
D. Word Art

6) Which of the following features should you use when typing in the notes text box?
A. Slide shows
B. Insert
C. Slide master
D. Zoom

7) Which of the following provides a means of printing our feature notes with a miniature slide on a printed page?
A. Slides with animation
B. Outline view
C. Notes page
D. Audience handout

8) The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called the
A. Table Slide
B. Graph Slide
C. Bullet Slide
D. Title Slide

9) Which of the following bypass the print dialog box when printing individual slides of an entire presentation?
A. File, Print Preview
B. The Print button
C. File, Print
D. Ctrl+P

10) You can create a new presentation by completing all of the following except
A. Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar
B. Clicking File, New
C. Clicking on File, Open
D. Pressing CTRL+N

11) The PowerPoint view that displays only text is
A. Slide show
B. Slide sorter view
C. Notes page view
D. Outline view

12) Which of the following toolbars provides different options in various master views?
A. Common tasks toolbar
B. Drawing toolbar
C. Formatting toolbar
D. Standard toolbar

13) Presentation designs regulate the formatting and layout of the slide and are commonly called
A. Design plates
B. Templates
C. Placeholders
D. Blueprints

14) Which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same look?
A. The slide, layout option
B. Outline View
C. Add a slide option
D. A presentation design template

15) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for notes pages, outlines, and handouts?
A. Vertical
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. None of the above

16) Animation schemes can be applied to the presentation
A. All slides
B. Select Slides
C. Current Slide
D. All of the above

17) Which command brings you to the first slide in your presentation?
A. Next slide button
B. Page up
C. Ctrl+Home
D. Ctrl+End

18) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for slides in PowerPoint?
A. Vertical
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. None of the above

19) To insert a new slide in the current presentation, we can choose
A. Ctrl+M
B. Ctrl+N
C. Ctrl+O
D. Ctrl+F

20) Material consisting of text and numbers is best presented as
A. A table slide
B. A bullet slide
C. A title slide
D. All of the above


1) A. Common Task Toolbar
2) C. Shift+Click on each slide
3) B. Title
4) B. Landscape
5) A. Placeholder
6) D. Zoom
7) D. Audience handout
8) D. Title Slide
9) B. The Print button
10) C. Clicking on File, Open
11) D. Outline view
12) A. Common tasks toolbar
13) B. Templates
14) D. A presentation design template
15) C. Portrait
16) A. All slides
17) C. Ctrl+Home
18) B. Landscape
19) A. Ctrl+M
20) A. A table slide

Read Next: Objective Questions on Ms PowerPoint in Ms Office set-2


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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