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Interview Questions on Internet and HTML set-5

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Here are the collections of interview questions on internet and HTML includes multiple-choice questions on fundamentals of internet and HTML basis. It includes objective questions on history of internet, functional layers for the network, network address, host address and broadcast address.

1) In 1972 …….. joined the ranks of ARPAnet.
A. email
B. voice
C. data
D. file

2) A home page is
A. An index of the page
B. Internet photo storing page
C. Appears while clicking
D. The first page of the web page

3) The first step of web site project is……..
A. set the programmers for the project
B. set the overall goal for the project
C. set the hardware for the project
D. set the software for the project

4) The program which can be used to make your computer act as a terminal is
A. Terminal Stimulation Program
B. Terminal Emulsion Program
C. Terminal Emulation Program
D. None of the above

5) The …… element can be used to identify your HTML file to the outside world.
A. Title
B. Body
C. Head
D. None of the above

6) The three types of IP addresses are…….
A. Network Address, Host Address, Local Address
B. Network Address, Host Address, Broad Cast Address
C. Network Address, Host Address, Packet Address
D. Network Address, Host Address, Frame Address

7) The original use of ARPAnet research was for
A. Law and Order
B. Commercial use
C. Military use
D. None of the above

8) For a particular font its size attribute can be an absolute value ranging from
A. 1-10
B. 1-9
C. 1-8
D. 1-7

9) ………. occurs when the browser encounters a color that it does not support.
A. Banding
B. Clipping
C. Dithering
D. Non-Dithering

10) The following is best suitable for remote administration of a computer.
B. Telnet
C. Browsers
D. None of the above

11) Which one of the following tags is used to insert graphics in the web page.
C. <IMG>

12) The …….. is a conceptual layout device that organizes the page into columns and rows.
A. table
B. grid
C. matrix
D. line

13) The International Standards Organization’s Open System Interconnect reference model for network designs defines
A. Seven functional layers for the network
B. Six functional layers for the network
C. Eight functional layers for the network
D. None of the above

14) State True or False for the following statements
i) Every HTML document must have a title tag in the head section.
ii) BR tag is used to have a blank line.
iii) In tables, header cells are centered by default and the data cells are right aligned.
A. i-True, ii-False, iii-True
B. i-True, ii-False, iii-False
C. i-True, ii-True, iii-False
D. i-False ii-True, iii-False

15) Frames are created via the ……… tags in an HTML document.
A. <form>….</form>
B. <frameset>….</frameset>
C. <body>….</body>
D. <head>….</head>

16) Email works on one of the following principles. Which is the one?
A. Forward and Backward Principle
B. Store and Retrieve Principle
C. Store and Forward Principle
D. Front and Back Principle

17) State whether the following statements are True.
i) The tag <tr> is used to create a data row.
ii) In cause of character formatting the tag <TW> is used for Typewriter like text.
iii) Links or jumps can be provided within the same page or document.
A. i only
B. i and ii only
C. ii and iii only
D. i and iii only

18) What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
A. <break>
B. <br>
C. <b>
D. <line>

19) Every resource available on the web has an address that may be encoded by a
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

20) Which domain must be present in the website address (URL) of a university library?
A. .org
B. .gov
C. .edu
D. .com


1) A. email
2) D. The first page of the web page
3) B. set the overall goal for the project
4) C. Terminal Emulation Program
5) A. Title
6) B. Network Address, Host Address, Broad Cast Address
7) C. Military use
8) D. 1-7
9) C. Dithering
10) B. Telnet
11) C. <IMG>
12) B. grid
13) A. Seven functional layers for the network
14) C. i-True, ii-True, iii-False
15) B. <frameset>….</frameset>
16) C. Store and Forward Principle
17) D. i and iii only
18) B. <br>
19) A. URI
20) C. .edu

Read Next: Solved MCQ Questions on Internet and HTML set-6


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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