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Top 20 MCQ On Memory Management In OS Part-2

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This set of top 20 MCQ on memory management in OS includes the collections of multiple-choice questions on the fundamentals of memory management in the operating system. It includes MCQ questions on fixed partitioning, internal fragmentation, external fragmentation, paging, segmentation, and the placement policy.

1. In …………….., a program may be too big to fit into a partition, so the programmer must design the program with the use of overlays so that only portion of the program needed to be in main memory at any time.
A) Fixed partitioning
B) Dynamic partitioning
C) Virtual memory paging
D) Simple segmentation

2. The phenomenon, in which there is wasted space internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of a data loaded is smaller than the partition, is referred to as ………
A) external fragmentation 
B) internal fragmentation
C) simple fragmentation
D) dynamic fragmentation

3. As the time goes on, memory becomes more and more fragmented, and memory utilization declines. This phenomenon is referred to as …………………
A) external fragmentation 
B) internal fragmentation
C) simple fragmentation
D) dynamic fragmentation

4. ……………… is the techniques for overcoming the external fragmentation in which the operating system shifts the processes so that they are contiguous and so that all of the free memory is together in one block.
A) Transformation
B) Extraction
C) Compaction
D) Shifting

5.  A ……………… is a reference to a memory location independent of the current assignment of data to memory in which a translation must be made to a physical address before the memory access can be achieved.
A) virtual address
B) relative address
C) physical address
D) logical address

6. In ………………  the address is expressed as a location relative to some known point, usually beginning of the program.
A) virtual address
B) relative address
C) physical address
D) logical address

7. ……………. is also called absolute address, which is in actual location in main memory.
A) virtual address
B) relative address
C) physical address
D) logical address

8. ……………….. eliminate internal fragmentation but, like dynamic partitioning, it suffers from external fragmentation.
A) Partitioning
B) Organizing
C) Paging
D) Segmentation

9. In ……………….., every programmer would have to know the intended assignment strategy for placing modules into main memory.
A) absolute loading
B) relative loading
C) dynamic loading
D) relocatable loading

10. Which of the following is/are the characteristics of simple paging techniques.
i) main memory not partitioned
ii) internal fragmentation within frames
iii) no external fragmentation
iv) operating system must maintain a free frame list.
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

11. Which of the following is/are the characteristics of virtual memory segmentation
i) Main memory not partitioned
ii) Program broken into pages by the compiler or  memory management system
iii) No internal fragmentation
iv) External fragmentation
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

12. Which of the following is/are the advantages of segmentation to the programmer over a non-segmented address space.
i) If simplifies the hanging of growing data structures
ii) It allows the programmers to be altered and recompiled independently
iii) It lends itself to sharing among processes
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iiii only
D) All i, ii and iii

13. ………………. indicate whether the contents of the corresponding segment have been altered since the segment was last loaded into main memory.
A) Modify bit
B) Altered bit
C) Last bit
D) Main bit

14.  The …………………. is of variable length, depending on the size of the process we cannot expect to hold it in registers.
A) Register table
B) Segment table
C) Variable table
D) Sized table

15. ……………… is transparent to the programmer, eliminates external fragmentation and thus provides efficient use of main memory.
A) Partitioning
B) Organizing
C) Paging
D) Segmentation

16. ………….. is visible to the programmer, which has the ability to handle growing data structures, modularity and support for sharing and protection.
A) Partitioning
B) Organizing
C) Paging
D) Segmentation

17. Which of the following is/are the operating system policies for virtual memory management.
i) fetch policy  ii) placement policy  iii) replacement policy  iv) cleaning policy
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

18. The ……………… determines when a page should be brought into main memory.
A) fetch policy
B) placement policy
C) replacement policy
D) cleaning policy

19. The ………………. determines where in real memory a process piece is to reside.
A) fetch policy
B) placement policy
C) replacement policy
D) cleaning policy

20. The ……………… policy could be employed either when a process first starts up, in which case the programmer would somehow have to designate desired pages or every time a page fault occurs.
A) prepaging
B) fetch
C) placement
D) replacement


1. A) Fixed partitioning
2. B) internal fragmentation
3. A) external fragmentation
4. C) Compaction
5. D) logical address
6. B) relative address
7. C) physical address
8. D) Segmentation
9. A) absolute loading
10. B) ii, iii and iv only
11. C) i, iii and iv only
12. D) All i, ii and iii
13. A) Modify bit
14. B) Segment table
15. C) Paging
16. D) Segmentation
17. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
18. A) fetch policy
19. B) placement policy
20. A) Prepaging

Read Next: MCQ Questions On Memory Management In OS Part-3


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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