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MCQ Questions on Threads, SMP And Microkernels Part-2

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Here are the collections on MCQ questions on threads, SMP and microkernels include multiple-choice questions on fundamentals of threads, SMP, and microkernels. It includes objective type questions on the advantages for the use of micro-kernels, the micro-kernel operations that can support external paging and virtual memory management, and a process that can map any of its pages into address space of another process.

1. A …………….. is a single execution path, with an execution stack, processor state and scheduling information.
A) Thread
C) Micro-kernels
D) Process

2. A ……………… is a small operating system core that provides the foundation for modular extensions.
A) Thread
C) Micro-kernels
D) Process

3. The philosophy underlying the ………… is that only absolutely essential core operating system functions should be in the kernel.
A) Thread
C) Micro-kernel
D) Process

4. Which of the following are the advantages for the use of micro-kernels
i) Uniform interfaces  ii) Extensibility  iii)  Flexibility  iv) Portability  v) Reliability
A) i, ii, iii and iv
B) ii, iii, iv and v
C) i, ii, iv and v
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

5. ……………. allows the addition of new services as well as the provision of multiple services in the same functional area.
A) Thread
C) Micro-kernel
D) Process

6. Which of the following is/are the micro-kernel operations that can support external paging and virtual memory management.
A) Grant
B) Map
C) Flush
D) All of the above

7. In micro-kernel operation ……………. is a process that can reclaim any pages that were granted or mapped to other processes.
A) Grant
B) Map
C) Manage
D) Flush

8. In micro-kernel operation ……………… is a process that can map any of its pages into address space of another process, so that both processes have access to the pages.
A) Grant
B) Map
C) Manage
D) Flush

9. Modular design in micro-kernel helps to enhance ……………….. even greater gains can be achieved with a micro-kernel architecture.
A) Extensibility
B)  Flexibility
C) Portability
D) Reliability

10. A ……………… operating system must provide all the functionality of multi-programming system plus additional features to accommodate multiple processors.
A) Multiprocessor
B) Uniprocessor
C) Multi Programming
D) Multi-Functional

11. With a ……………… architecture, the operating system kernel always runs on a particular processor where the other processors may only execute user programs and perhaps operating system utilities.
A) master/slave
B) symmetric multiprocessor
C) cluster

12. In a …………………, the kernel can execute on any processor, and typically each processor does self-scheduling from the pool of available processes or threads.
A) master/slave
B) symmetric multiprocessor
C) cluster

13. In master/slave architecture, the ……………… can become a performance bottleneck, because it alone must do all scheduling and process management.
A) master
B) slave
C) both
D) none

14. If the processors each have dedicated memory, communication among the computers is either via fixed paths or via some network facility, such system is known as ……………….
A) master/slave
B) symmetric multiprocessor
C) cluster

15. In the architecture of a parallel processor system, a set of processors simultaneously execute different instruction sequences on different data sets.

16. Within ………………. architecture of parallel processor systems, single machine instruction controls the simultaneous execution of the number of processing elements in lockstep basis.

17. In …………… the micro-kernel has to control the hardware concept of address space to make it possible to implement protection at the process level
A) Low-level memory management
B) Interprocess communication
C) I/O
D) Interrupt management

18. In ……………… message includes a header that identifies the sending an receiving process and a body that contains direct data.
A) Low-level memory management
B) Interprocess communication
C) I/O
D) Interrupt management

19. With a ………………. architecture, it is possible to handle hardware interrupts as messages and to include I/O parts in address spaces.
A) Thread
C) Micro-kernel
D) Process

20. A ……………. is an entity corresponding to a user job or application that owns resources such as memory and open files.
A) Thread
C) Micro-kernel
D) Process


1. A) Thread
2. C) Micro-kernels
3. C) Micro-kernel
4. D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
5. C) Micro-kernel
6. D) All of the above
7. D) Flush
8. B) Map
9. D) Reliability
10. A) Multiprocessor
11. A) master/slave
12. B) symmetric multiprocessor
13. A) master
14. C) cluster
15. D) MIMD
16. B) SIMD
17. A) Low-level memory management
18. B) Interprocess communication
19. C) Micro-kernel
20. D) Process

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Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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