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Top 20 MCQ On I/O Management And Disk Scheduling

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This set of MCQ questions on I/O management and disk scheduling in OS includes the collections of MCQ questions related to I/O management in OS. It includes MCQ questions for the fundamental of I/O management, I/O command, appropriate sequences of I/O instructions and rapid bursts of I/O.

1. Which of the following is/are the technique(s) for performing I/O management function.
A) Programmed I/O
B) Interrupt driven I/O
C) Direct Memory Access
D) All of the above

2.  In ………………., the processor issues an I/O command, on behalf of a process, to an I/O module.
A) Programmed I/O
B) Interrupt driven I/O
C) Direct Memory Access
D) Virtual Memory Access

3. In ……………….., the processor issues an I/O command on behalf of a process, continues to execute subsequent instructions and interrupted by the I/O module when the latter has completed it’s work.
A) Programmed I/O
B) Interrupt driven I/O
C) Direct Memory Access
D) Virtual Memory Access

4. A ………………. module controls the exchange of data between main memory and an I/O module.
A) Programmed I/O
B) Interrupt driven I/O
C) Direct Memory Access
D) Virtual Memory Access

5. The ……………… unit is capable of mimicking the processor and indeed of taking over control of the system from the processor.
A) Programmed I/O
B) Interrupt driven I/O
C) Direct Memory Access
D) Virtual Memory Access

6. The …………………  module deals with t he device as a logical resource and is not concerned with the details of actually controlling  the device.
A) Directory Management
B) Logical I/O
C) Device I/O
D) Scheduling and control

7. In ……………………, the requested operations and data are converted into appropriate sequences of I/O instructions, channel commands and controller orders.
A) Directory Management
B) Logical I/O
C) Device I/O
D) Scheduling and control

8. At the layer of ……………………, symbolic file names are
converted to identifiers that either reference the file directory or
indirectly through a file descriptor or index table.
A) Directory Management
B) Logical I/O
C) Device I/O
D) Scheduling and control

9. ………………. layer deals with the logical structure of files and with the operations that can be specified by users such as open, close, read and write.
A) Physical organization
B) File system
C) Directory management
D) Scheduling and control

10. When a user process issues an I/O request, the operating system assigns a buffer in the system portion of main memory to the operation is called …………..
A) Double buffer
B) Single buffer
C) Linear buffer
D) Circular buffer

11. …………….. may be inadequate if the process performs rapid bursts of I/O.
A) Double buffering
B) Single buffering
C) Linear buffering
D) Circular buffering

12. On a movable head system, the time it takes to position the head at the track is known as …………
A) seek time
B) rotational delay
C) access time
D) Transfer time

13. The time disk controller takes for the beginning of  the sector to reach the head is known as ……………..
A) seek time
B) rotational delay
C) access time
D) Transfer time

14. The ……………….. consists of two key components: the initial startup time, and the time taken to traverse the tracks that have to be crossed once the access arm is up to speed.
A) seek time
B) rotational delay
C) access time
D) Transfer time

15. The ……………… policy is to select the disk I/O request that requires the least movement of the disk arm from its current position.
A) Last in first out
B) Shortest service time first
C) Priority by process
D) Random scheduling

16.  In ………………. policy, when the last track has been visited in one direction, the arm is returned to the opposite end of the disk and the scan begins again.
A) Last in first out
B) Shortest service time first
D) Circular SCAN

17. Which of the following is/are the characteristics of RAID architecture.
i) RAID is set of physical disk drives viewed by the operating system as a single logical drive
ii) Data are distributed across the physical drives of an array
iii) It is used to store parity information, which guarantees data recoverability in case  of disk failure.
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iiii only
D) All i, ii and iii

18. …………….. is not a true member of RAID family, because it does not include redundancy to improve performace.
A) RAID Level 0
B) RAID Level 1
C) RAID Level 2
D) RAID Level 3

19. ………….. would only be an effective choice in a environment in which many disk errors occur.
A) RAID Level 0
B) RAID Level 1
C) RAID Level 2
D) RAID Level 3

20. In the ………………… scheme, two different parity calculations are carried out an stored in separate blocks on different disks.
A) RAID Level 4
B) RAID Level 5
C) RAID Level 6
D) RAID Level 3


1. D) All of the above
2. A) Programmed I/O
3. B) Interrupt driven I/O
4. C) Direct Memory Access
5. C) Direct Memory Access
6. B) Logical I/O
7. C) Device I/O
8. A) Directory Management
9. B) File system
10. B) Single buffer
11. A) Double buffering
12. A) seek time
13. B) rotational delay
14. A) seek time
15. B) Shortest service time first
16. D) Circular SCAN
17. D) All i, ii and iii
18. A) RAID Level 0
19. C) RAID Level 2
20. C) RAID Level 6

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Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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