1. The HTML markup elements are called ……………………, which do not enclose any content, so not need to close tags.
A) empty elements
B) open elements
C) blank elements
D) containing elements
2. In the case of ………………., self-close identification schema are used for empty elements.
3. Which of the following is/are the examples of empty elements in HTML markup.
i) <br> ii) <hr> iii) h1 iv) img
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) i, ii, iii and iv only
4. The …………….. statement indicates the particular version of HTML or XHTML being used in the document.
A) <meta>
C) <base>
D) <link>
5. ………….. is the additional attribute required by XHTML at the declaration of <!DOCTYPE> statement.
A) xmlns
B) xml
C) xmln
D) xhtml
6. In HTML markup, a comment is specified by ………………., which allows page authors to provide notes for future reference.
A) //- –
B) <– –>
C) <!– –>
D) !<– –>
7. If a web page does not update correctly on reload, holding down the ………………… key while clicking the reload button, refers the page correctly.
A) shift
B) ctrl
C) alt
D) up arrow
8. The ………………… does not consider any of the browser innovations of advanced features such as style sheets, scripting or frames.
A) HTML 2.0
B) HTML 2.2
C) HTML 3.0
D) HTML 3.2
9. ………………. is an HTML finalized by the W3C in early 1997 that standardized most of the HTML features introduced in browsers such as Netscape 3.0
A) HTML 2.0
B) HTML 2.2
C) HTML 3.0
D) HTML 3.2
10. In ………………, we can not replace the <body> tag with a <frameset> tag, which encloses potentially numerous <frame> tags.
A) HTML2.0
B) HTML3.0
C) HTML4.0
11. The <frameset> tag should also include a ……………….. element that provides a version of the page for browsers that do not support frames.
A) noframes
B) emptyframes
C) blankframes
D) openframes
12. A/An ……………. tag specifies an absolute URL address that is used to provide server and directory information for particularly specified URL address called relative links, used with in the document.
A) <base>
B) <link>
C) <object>
D) <script>
13. A/An ……………… tag specifies a special relationship between the current document and another document.
A) <base>
B) <link>
C) <object>
D) <script>
14. A/An …………………… tag allows programs and other binary objects to be directly embedded in a web page.
A) <base>
B) <link>
C) <object>
D) <script>
15. A/An ………………. tag is used to specify a style sheet used by the document.
A) <base>
B) <link>
C) <object>
D) <script>
16. A ……………… tag allows scripting language code to be either directly embedded within or more appropriately, linked to form a web page.
A) <base>
B) <link>
C) <style>
D) <script>
17. Which of the following is the correct way of linking external style sheet in a HTML document.
A) <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”universal.css” type=”text/css”>
B) <link rel=”sheet” href=”universal.css” type=”text/css”>
C) <link rel=”externalsheet” href=”universal.css” type=”text/css”>
D) <link rel=”css” href=”universal.css” type=”text/css”>
18. A ……………… tag is used to enclose document wide style specifications, typically in cascading style sheet(css) format.
A) <base>
B) <link>
C) <style>
D) <script>
19. Within <body> tag, ……………………. define structural content blocks such as paragraph(p), div, lists(ul) or headings(h1-h6).
A) plain elements
B) outline elements
C) block level elements
D) inline elements
20. The elements such as bold(b), italic(i), strong(strong), emphasis(em) are the examples of …………….
A) plain elements
B) outline elements
C) block level elements
D) inline elements
21. A ……………. defines the actual elements, attributes and elements relationships that are valid in documents.
22. The process of checking whether a document conforms to the rules of DTD is called ……………..
A) checking
B) validation
C) conformation
D) declaration
23. The ……………………. declaration allows validation software to identify the HTML/DTD being followed in a document, and verify the document is syntactically correct.
A) <meta>
C) <base>
D) <link>
24. State whether the following statements about HTML and XHTML are True or False.
i) The markups in HTML are case sensitive but XHTML is not.
ii) In some web servers the attribute values may be case sensitive
iii) XHTML is sensitive to a single white space character for <pre> element.
A) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
B) i-False, ii-True, iii-True
C) i-True, ii-False, iii-True
D) i-False, ii-True, iii-False
1. A) empty elements
3. C) i, ii and iv only
4. B) <!DOCTYPE>
5. A) xmlns
6. C) <!– –>
7. A) shift
8. A) HTML 2.0
9. D) HTML 3.2
10. D) HTML5
11. A) noframes
12. A) <base>
13. B) <link>
14. C) <object>
15. B) <link>
16. D) <script>
17. A) <link rel=”stylesheet” href=…>
18. C) <style>
19. C) block level elements
20. D) inline elements
21. B) DTD
22. B) validation
23. B) <!DOCTYPE>
24. B) i-False, ii-True, iii-True