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Web Designing MCQs

MCQ Questions On CSS1 And CSS2.1 Properties Part-2

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This set of multiple-choice questions includes a collection of top 20 MCQ questions on CSS1 and CSS2.1 properties. It includes objective questions on CSS cursor property and its values, display properties, font-weight property, and orphans property of CSS. It also includes CSS white-space property, text-transform property, and text-indent property.

1. A CSS cursor property value ……………………… indicates the element may be a link or reference to another element or location.
A) auto
B) alias
C) cell
D) copy

2. A CSS cursor property value ………………. presents an icon to indicate a cell is active, similar to what is performed in the spreadsheet application.
A) auto
B) alias
C) cell
D) copy

3. A CSS cursor property value ………………… indicates that the current function is not allowed, often associated with not allowing dropping in a drag and drop action.
A) no-drop
B) no-resize
C) not-allowed
D) no-move

4. The value of display property ……………….. will make the item inline or block depending on the context.
A) list-item
B) run-in
C) inline-block
D) block

5. The value of display property ………………….. create a block for the list box and an inline box for items.
A) list-item
B) run-in
C) inline-block
D) block

6. State whether the following statements about CSS property are True or False.
i) The default value for “empty-cells” property is hidden.
ii) The default value for “float” property is none.
A) i-True, ii-True
B) i-False, ii-True
C) i-True, ii-False
D) i-False, ii-False

7. Which of the following is/are the named values of the font-weight property.
i) normal   ii) bold  iii) none  iv) lighter
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

8. ………………….. property defines the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page.
A) Outline
B) Orphans
C) Overflow
D) Padding

9. State whether the following statements are True or False for orphans property in CSS.
i) The default value is 2 if unspecified.
ii) Negative values may not be used in this property.
iii) It is really meaningful for print output.
A) True, True, False
B) False, True, False
C) False, True, True
D) True, True, True

10.  ………………. property is similar to the align attribute available with (X)HTML block-level tags such as <P>.
A) text-align
B) text-direction
C) text-layout
D) text-indent

11. The …………………. property is often used with the element and its associated pseudo-classes to turn off link underlining or set different looks for hover or visited states.
A) text-align
B) text-decoration
C) text-layout
D) text-indent

12. Which of the following is/are the values of text-decoration properties.
i) blink    ii) inherit   iii) strike-through   iv) over-line
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

13. The default value of the text-indent property, which specifies the indent in the first line of a block-level element is …………..
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3

14. The value of ………………… is used to override any inherited text-transform values.
A) default
B) none
C) inherit
D) override

15. The ……………….. value of white-space property collapses multiple white space characters into single spaces and automatically wraps lines.
A) normal
B) auto
C) pre
D) wrap

16. The ……………….. value of white-space property collapses white space, save new-lines, which are preserved.
A) normal
B) pre
C) pre-line
D) pre-wrap

17. The value of white-space property ………………… breaks newlines that would cause text to break out of an element’s box.
A) normal
B) pre
C) pre-line
D) pre-wrap

18. ……………………. property defines the minimum number of lines in a paragraph to be left at the top of a page.
A) widows
B) line-number
C) line-spacing
D) margins

19. The ………………… property defines a laying or stacking context for positioned elements.
A) X-index
B) Y-index
C) Z-index
D) index

20. The ……………….. value used in Z-index property tries to determine the Z-placement of an element automatically by its markup position in the document.
A) default
B) auto
C) inherit
D) auto-markup


1. B) alias
2. C) cell
3. C) not-allowed
4. B) run-in
5. A) list-item
6. B) i-False, ii-True
7. C) i, ii and iv only
8. B) Orphans
9. D) True, True, True
10. A) text-align
11. B) text-decoration
12. C) i, ii and iv only
13. A) 0
14. B) none
15. A) normal
16. C) pre-line
17. D) pre-wrap
18. A) widows
19. C) Z-index
20. B) auto

Read Next: Top 20 MCQ Questions On CSS2 Aural Style Properties


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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