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Multiple-Choice Questions On CSS3 Properties Part-1

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Here you will find the collections of multiple-choice questions on CSS3 properties includes MCQ questions on @keyframe rule, animation properties and its sub-properties and their values, backface-visibility, background-clip, background-origin, border, padding, content-box, border-box, column-break, and column count properties.

1. …………….. rule is used to define the properties that will be animated in an animation rule.
A) animation
B) @key
C) @keyframes
D) @media

2. When the standard underline style and ………………. is set to true, the style should be toggled when t he Alt key is pressed.
A) animation
B) accelerator
C) key
D) toggle

3. Which of the following is/are the animation sub properties used in animation property.
i) animation-name     ii) animation-timing    iii) animation-delay  iv) animation-direction
A) i, iii and iv only
B) i, ii and iii only
C) ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

4. In CSS3 animations, ……………………….. is used to describe how the animation will play.
A) animation delay
B) animation direction
C) animation-timing-function
D) animation-timing

5. Which of the following is/are the possible values of animation-timing-function property.
i) ease    ii) ease-in    iii) ease-out    iv) linear
A) i, iii and iv only
B) i, ii and iii only
C) ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

6. ………………. property is used to indicate whether the backside of an element is visible if the element is related to display the back.
A) visibility
B) backface-visibility
C) back-display
D) backface-display

7.  ……………… property specifies whether or not an element’s background extends all the way to the element’s border.
A) background clip
B) background-origin
C) background-position
D) background-state

8. The value of background-clip property …………………. cause the background to stop at the edge of the border of an element.
A) border
B) clip
C) padding
D) edge

9. The value of background-clip property …………………. stops the background at the start of a border.
A) border
B) clip
C) padding
D) edge

10. ……………….. property specifies how the position of a background should be calculated by setting the origin relative to different locations within an element box.
A) background clip
B) background-origin
C) background-position
D) background-state

11. The value of background-origin property ………………… causing the position if the background to be start of the content.
A) border
B) clip
C) padding
D) content

12. …………………. property defines a relationship between bound element(s) and some code or content.
A) binding
B) clipping
C) padding
D) bounding

13. ……………….. property specifies the size of the mask.
A) box-reflect
B) box-shadow
C) box-sizing
D) box-mask

14. The value of box reflect property ……………….. specifies the distance from the origin image to the reflection and can be a length or percentage.
A) direction
B) mask-box
C) mask-box-image
D) offset

15. ……………….. property changes the calculation for measuring  the width of elements.
A) box-reflect
B) box-shadow
C) box-sizing
D) box-mask

16. The value of box-sizing property ………………….. specifies that element size is defined by adding the border, padding and height/width together to define the size of the box.
A) content-box
B) border-box
C) inherit
D) none

17. The value of box-sizing property …………………. specifies that element, a supporting browser will render the box by the defined height and width properties.
A) content-box
B) border-box
C) inherit
D) none

18. ………………… property is used to control column element breaks after an associated element when flowing multi-column text.
A) column-control-after
B) column-break
C) column-control
D) column-break-after

19. ………………….. property defines the number of columns in a multi-column text flow.
A) column-number
B) column-count
C) column-rule
D) multi-column

20. ………………… defines the style, width, and color of the rule divider between columns in a multi-column text flow.
A) column-rule
B) column-style
C) column
D) rule


1. C) @keyframes
2. B) accelerator
3. A) i, iii and iv only
4. C) animation-timing-function
5. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
6. B) backface-visibility
7. A) background clip
8. A) border
9. C) padding
10. B) background-origin 11. D) content
12. A) binding
13. A) box-reflect
14. D) offset
15. C) box-sizing
16. A) content-box
17. B) border-box
18. D) column-break-after
19. B) column-count
20. A) column-rule

Read Next: Multiple Choice Questions On CSS3 Properties Part-2


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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