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Solved MCQ On Software Development Strategies Part-1

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This set of solved MCQ on software development strategies in software engineering covers the characteristics of software development strategies and different life cycle models. It includes about waterfall model, incremental and iterative development models along with the prototyping model, and spiral model included under the risk reduction models.

1. The ………….. was an impressed version of an earlier process model called the Nine-phase, stage-wise models.
A) nine-phase model
B) waterfall model
C) incremental and iterative model
D) evolutionary development model

2. The ……………… was a one-directional, sequential model that was enhanced by the waterfall model through the introduction of bi-directional relations between the successive model stages.
A) nine-phase model
B) waterfall model
C) incremental and iterative model
D) evolutionary development model

3. ……………….. model also called phased development models that share the common objective of reducing the cycle time for development.
A) Evolutionary Development Model
B) Incremental and Iterative Model
C) Prototyping Model
D) Spiral Model

4. The …………………………… models might be compared to depth-first and breadth-first approaches.
A) nine-phase model
B) waterfall model
C) incremental and iterative model
D) evolutionary development model

5. In a …………………. approach, a new functional behavior of the system is implemented in detail at each state.
i) depth-first                ii) breadth-first
iii) incremental           iv) iterative
A) i and iii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iv only
D) ii and iv only

6. In a ………………………, the set of functions is initially implemented in a broad but shallow manner where many functions are included but only tentatively realized.
i) depth-first                ii) breadth-first
iii) incremental           iv) iterative
A) i and iii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iv only
D) ii and iv only

7. In ……………………. approach, increments of system capability are released with subsequent stages of development based on user and developer experience with earlier releases.
A) Evolutionary Development Model
B) Incremental and Iterative Model
C) Prototyping Model
D) Spiral Model

8. The ……………………… fixes requirements, costs, and schedule at the earliest point in order to be able to meet contractual restrictions.
A) waterfall approach
B) prototyping approach
C) spiral approach
D) incremental approach

9. The …………………….. usually involves building a small version of the intended system prior to building a small version of the intended system prior to building the proposed completed system.
A) waterfall approach
B) prototyping approach
C) spiral approach
D) incremental approach

10. Which of the following is/are the advantages of incremental development models for software development.
i) Improved development team morale early solution of implementation problems.
ii) Improved maintenance
iii) Improved control of over-engineering or gold-plating measurement of productivity estimation feedback smoother staffing requirement.
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iii only
D) All i, ii and iii
11. ………………………. refers to the use of prototyping as a technique for gathering and clarifying requirements.
A) Exploratory prototyping
B) Experimental prototyping
C) Evolutionary prototyping
D) Embedded prototyping

12. ………………………… is used to explore changing requirements incrementally and adapt a system to them.
A) Exploratory prototyping
B) Experimental prototyping
C) Evolutionary prototyping
D) Embedded prototyping

13. ………………………….. is used to explore changing requirements incrementally and adapt a system to them.
A) Exploratory prototyping
B) Experimental prototyping
C) Evolutionary prototyping
D) Embedded prototyping

14. …………………………….. refers to prototyping as a component of another software development strategy.
A) Embedded prototyping
B) Horizontal prototyping
C) Vertical prototyping
D) Exploratory prototyping

15. In …………………….., most of the system functions are at least nominally accessible, but only a few are actually operational.
A) embedded prototyping
B) horizontal prototyping
C) vertical prototyping
D) exploratory prototyping

16. In …………………………, a narrow vertical slice of the system function is implemented.
A) embedded prototyping
B) horizontal prototyping
C) vertical prototyping
D) exploratory prototyping

17. ……………………….. gives the developer a better understanding of the user’s work problems and needs and helps the users to clarify their requirements as well.
A) Embedded prototyping
B) Horizontal prototyping
C) Vertical prototyping
D) Exploratory prototyping

18. Which of the following is/are the shortcomings of the prototyping development model.
i) Leading users to overestimate the capabilities of a software product.
ii) Difficulties in project management and control.
iii) provide a tangible or visual expression of the proposed system.
iv) Difficulty in applying the technique to large systems design.
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv only

19. The …………………….. allows one to incorporate other process models in an inclusive framework driven by project requirements and the dual objective of maximizing user satisfaction while minimizing development uncertainty.
A) waterfall model
B) spiral model
C) prototyping model
D) evolutionary development model

20. The …………………….. illustrates how process models can be combined with one another to good effects, such as by integrating prototyping in order to reduce risk.
A) waterfall model
B) spiral model
C) prototyping model
D) evolutionary development model


1. B) waterfall model
2. A) nine-phase model
3. B) Incremental and Iterative Model
4. C) incremental and iterative model
5. A) i and iii only
6. D) ii and iv only
7. A) Evolutionary Development Model
8. A) waterfall approach
9. B) prototyping approach
10. D) All i, ii and iii
11. A) Exploratory prototyping
12. B) Experimental prototyping
13. C) Evolutionary prototyping
14. A) Embedded prototyping
15. B) horizontal prototyping
16. C) vertical prototyping
17. D) Exploratory prototyping
18. C) i, ii and iv only
19. B) spiral model
20. B) spiral model

Read Next: Solved MCQ On Software Development Strategies Part-2


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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