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How to Create Database Test Plan in JMeter using MySQL

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In the previous articles, you have learned to create a web test plan using HTTP request along with the details of using listeners and assertions in JMeter. Now, in this tutorial, you will get a step by step process to create database test plan and view the results in JMeter using MySQL database.

You have to complete the following process in order to configure, run and analyze the results after you create database test plan using MySQL database.

  1. Install MySQL database
  2. Start MySQL database server
  3. Create a database
  4. Download and setup the MySQL connector
  5. Create a JMeter test plan
  6. Add and configure JDBC connection configuration
  7. Create a JDBC sampler
  8. Add listeners
  9. Run the test plan

Let’s go in detail about the steps mentioned above.

Install MySQL and Create a Database

In order to create database test plan in JMeter using MySQL, you have to install and set up the database at first. You may use the database installed on the remote server or install the MySQL database server on the local computer.

For installing MySQL database server in your computer, you can download the software from MySQL official website and set up on your computer. You may also download and install XAMPP software for quick and easy installation of MySQL. It also included with Apache server, Filezilla, Tomcat, etc.

After successfully installing MySQL on your computer using any of the method, you have to create the database and tables. You may use the following SQL queries as an example or can do manually using GUI methods.

USE test;
CREATE TABLE student_table (SN INT, Name VARCHAR(20), Address VARCHAR(20), Roll_No INT);
INSERT INTO student_table (SN, Name, Address, Roll_NO) VALUES(1,"Ram","Pokhara", 22);
INSERT INTO student_table (SN, Name, Address, Roll_NO) VALUES(2,"shyam","Pokhara", 23);
INSERT INTO student_table (SN, Name, Address, Roll_NO) VALUES(3,"Hari","Kathmandu", 24);
INSERT INTO student_table (SN, Name, Address, Roll_NO) VALUES(4,"Sita","Kathmandu", 25);

Following is the database table created with the SQL queries written above along with the data at the table.

database table created with the SQL queries

Download and Setup MySQL Connector

The MySQL connector should be set up on the JMeter folder before starting to create a database test plan. You may search and download the platform independent JAR file or MySQL connector or you can directly go to this page to download it. After downloading the file copy it in the lib folder of JMeter folder as shown on the screenshot below.

MySQL JDBC connector

Create Database Test Plan

You can create the JMeter test plan doing the same as the actions performed on previous tutorials. After starting the JMeter create a new test plan and a new thread group. Use the following steps after creating a new thread group, in order to add and configure JDBC connection configuration.

  1. Right click on Thread Group.
  2. Go to “Add” and then Config Element.
  3. Click on JDBC connection configuration.
  4. Enter a variable name on the “variable name for created pool” field. For example, we have set the variable name “test” on the created pool field which is shown on the screenshot below.
  5. Type the URL of the database on Database URL field preceding with jdbc:mysql:”. In the screenshot below we have written “jdbc:mysql://” since the MySQL was installed on the local computer and the name of the database was “test”.
  6. Select the option “com.mysql.JDBC.Driver” on JDBC driver class field.
  7. Provide the user name and password of the database server. In the screenshot below, we have written “root” as the username of the database and left blank password field, since there is no password for this username.
JDBC connection configuration

Now, use the following steps in order to add JDBC sampler within the recently created JMeter thread group.

  1. Right click on Thread Group.
  2. Go to “Add” and go to “sampler”.
  3. Click on JDBC request.
  4. Write the variable name of the pool declared in JDBC connection configuration.
  5. Select the query type “Select Statement” if you want to run the select query, “Update Statement” if you want to insert or delete the data from the table.
  6. Type the query which you want to run to the database table. For example, if you want to retrieve all the data from student_table you may write the query SELECT * FROM student_table; as shown on the screenshot below.
JDBC request to Create a Database Test Plan

Execute the Database Test Plan

You can execute the database test plan after adding JDBC connection configuration and JDBC samplers. Before executing it, you have to add listeners in order to view the test result. For easier to use, you may add view results tree and view results in table listeners. To know more about the common types of listeners that can be used on JMeter, refer to the previous article “How to Use the Most Common Types of JMeter Listeners“.

Now, run the JMeter test plan and view the test results through the listeners you have just added.


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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