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Top 20 Multiple-Choice Questions on MySQL Clients

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Here are the collections of the top 20 multiple-choice questions on MySQL clients includes objective types of questions on different client options of MySQL. It includes multiple-choice questions on the MySQL client and it’s useful options, mysqladmin commands and other useful clients, MySQL client options, and connection options.

Read Also: MCQ on Basic SQL Queries with Answers set-1

1) The MySQL option … executes a query without having to actually enter the client interface.
A. -e
B. -E
C. -C
D. -U

2) The MySQL option … causes MySQL to ignore all DELETE and UPDATE queries in which the WHERE clause is optimized.
A. -e
B. -E
C. -C
D. -U

3) The MySQL option … enables data compression when communicating between the client and the server.
A. -D
B. -E
C. -C
D. -U

4) The MySQL command … displays a list of all running MySQL server daemon processes.
A. daemonlist
B. processlist
C. daemonprocess
D. listprocess

5) State whether the following statements about mysqladmin commands are TRUE or FALSE.
i. The reload command is the alias of the command flush-privileges.
ii. The command flush-status resets status variables by setting them to one.
A. i-TRUE, ii-TRUE

6) The … command combines the tasks carried out by the commands flush-tables and flush-logs.
A. refresh
B. flush
C. reset
D. flushall

7) The MySQL command … outputs various server statistics such as uptime, total queries executed, open tables, average queries per second, and running threads.
A. statistics
B. serverstatus
C. allstatus
D. status

8) The … client is used to exporting existing table data, table structure, or both from MySQL server.
A. mysqlexport
B. mysqldump
C. mysqlshow
D. mysqlimport

9) The … utility offers a convenient means for determining which databases, tables, and columns exist on a given database server.
A. mysqlexport
B. mysqldump
C. mysqlshow
D. mysqlimport

10) The … utility offers a convenient means for importing data from a delimited text file into a database.
A. mysqlexport
B. mysqldump
C. mysqlshow
D. mysqlimport

11) The … utility allows us to check MyISAM table indicates for corruption and repair them if necessary.
A. myisam
B. myisamchk
C. isamcheck
D. myisamcheck

12) The … utility offers users the means for checking and if necessary, repairing corrupted tables while MySQL servers daemon is running.
A. mysqlcheck
B. mysqlchk
C. sqlcheck
D. checkmysql

13) State whether the following statements about MySQL client options are TRUE or FALSE.
i. MySQL client options are case sensitive.
ii. Any options assigned via the command line override assignments located in configuration files or environment variables.
A. i-TRUE, ii-TRUE

14) … is the short form of connection option that specifies the named pipes which will be used to connect to the server.
A. -U
B. -S
C. -C
D. -W

15) The MySQL client option … will decrease the client chatter or output.
i. – – silent ii. -S
iii. – – silent iv. – – silent-client
A. i, ii and iii only
B. ii, iii and iv only
C. i and ii only
D. iii and iv only

16) The option … outputs the options that will be used by the client as defined within the configuration files and environment variables.
A. –client-options
B. –print-defaults
C. –output-defaults
D. –defined-options

17) State whether the following statements about the MySQL connection options are TRUE.
i. The options -h specifies the target database host.
ii. The option -u specifies the connecting user’s username.
A. i only
B. ii only
C. Both i and ii
D. None of the above

18) MySQL client options can be passed to clients in which of the following ways.
i. Via the command line.
ii. Via the environment variables.
iii. Via the configuration files.
A. i and iii only
B. ii and iii only
C. i and ii only
D. All i, ii and iii

19) When you pass options via the … they are prefaced with either one hyphen or two, depending upon whether you’re using the short or long-form.
A. command lines
B. environment variables
C. configuration files
D. All of the above

20) The MySQL option … causes MySQL to display all query results in a vertical format.
A. -e
B. -E
C. -C
D. -D


  1. A. -e
  2. D. -U
  3. C. -C
  4. B. processlist
  5. C. i-TRUE, ii-FALSE
  6. A. refresh
  7. D. status
  8. B. mysqldump
  9. C. mysqlshow
  10. D. mysqlimport
  11. B. myisamchk
  12. A. mysqlcheck
  13. A. i-TRUE, ii-TRUE
  14. D. -W
  15. C. i and ii only
  16. B. –print-defaults
  17. C. Both i and ii
  18. D. All i, ii and iii
  19. A. command lines
  20. B. -E


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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