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Solved MCQ Questions for Computer Officer Exam part-1

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This set of solved MCQ questions for computer officer exam includes the collection of multiple choice questions on computer science. It includes MCQ questions on firewalls, fundamental of computer, data Structure, sorting algorithm and the binary search algorithm that may ask on computer officer exam.

1. Firewalls are used to protect against.
A) Unauthorized Attacks
B) External resources
C) Data Driven Attacks
D) Fire Attacks

2. A gigabyte represents
A) 1 billion bytes
B) 1000 kilobytes
C) 230 bytes
D) 1024 bytes

3. Personal computers use number of chips mounted on a main
circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?
A) Daughter board
B) Mother board
C) Father board
D) Bread board

4.  In analog computer
A) Input is first converted to digital form
B) Input is never converted to digital form
C) Output is displayed in digital form
D) All of the above

5. Computer follows a simple principle called GIGO which means.
A) Garbage input good output
B) Garbage in garbage out
C) Great instructions great output
D) Good input good output

6. A data Structure where elements can be added or removed at either end but not in the middle.
A) Linked list
B) Stacks
C) Queues
D) Deque

7. Which of the following sorting algorithm is of divide and conquer type?
A) Bubble sort
B) Insertion sort
C) Quick sort
D) None of the above

8. A variable P is called pointer if
A) P contains the address of an element in DATA
B) P points to the address of first element in DATA
C) P can store only memory addresses
D) P contain the DATA and the address of DATA

9. Binary search algorithm cannot be applied to
A) Sorted linked list
B) Sorted binary trees
C) Sorted linear array
D) Pointer array

10. The time factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by
A) Counting microsecond’s
B) Counting the number of key operations
C) Counting the number of statements                
D) Counting the kilobytes of algorithm


1.   A) Unauthorized Attacks
2.   A) 1 billion bytes
3.   B) Mother board
4.   B) Input is never converted to digital form
5.   B) Garbage in garbage out
6.   D) Deque
7.   C) Quick sort
8.   A) P contains the address of an element in DATA
9.   D) Pointer array
10. A) Counting microsecond’s

Read Next: Solved MCQ for IT Officer Exam Part-2
Read More: CS Multiple Choice Questions for Computer Officer Exam


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