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20 Simple MCQs on Microsoft Excel That You Don’t Want to Miss

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This set of MCQs on Microsoft Excel includes a collection of multiple-choice questions on the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel features. It includes subjective-type questions on the worksheet range, copying a formula, Freeze panes commands, performing what-if analysis, and the Cell Tip used in Excel.

Read Also: MCQs on Microsoft Excel in MS Office set-3

1) A cell contains up to…
A. 56400 character
B. 32000 character
C. 45000 character
D. None of the above

2) To hold down column titles in place so that they do not scroll when you scroll a worksheet click the
A. Unfreeze panes command on the window menu
B. Freeze panes command on the window menu
C. Hold titles command in the edit menu
D. Split command on the window menu

3) You want to track the progress of the stock market daily, which type of chart should you use?
A. Pie chart
B. Row chart
C. Line chart
D. Column chart

4) When a formatted number does not fit in a cell, number signs
A. ###
B. #Div/0!
C. #div@
D. All of the above

5) It is acceptable to let the long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when
A. Data will be entered into the adjacent cells
B. No data will be entered in the adjacent cells
C. There is no suitable abbreviation for the text
D. There is no time to format the text

6) Which is used to perform what-if analysis?
A. Solver
B. Goal seek
C. Scenario Manager
D. All of the above

7) To edit the formula
A. Double-click on the active cell
B. Press F2
C. Click on the formula bar
D. All of the above

8) Which of the following is NOT information you can specify using the solver?
A. Input cells
B. Constraints
C. Target cell
D. Changing cell

9) To insert three columns between columns d and e you would
A. Select column d
B. Select column e
C. Select columns e, f, and g
D. Select columns c, d, and e

10) What symbol is used before a number to make it a label?
A. *
B. =
C. _
D. ‘

11) Weight refers to
A. The print density of characters
B. The height of the printed characters
C. Upright or slanted shape
D. The design and appearance of the characters

12) Which of the following is NOT one of Excel’s what-if functions?
A. Goal seek
B. Solver
C. Scenario Manager
D. Auto Outline

13) How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel?
A. 256
B. 254
C. 33000
D. 65536

14) When you work with large worksheets, you may need to
A. size the worksheet to fit a specific number of pages
B. Add and remove page breaks
C. Specify only certain print areas
D. All of the above

15) A worksheet range is a
A. A command used for data modeling
B. A range of values such as from 23 to 234
C. A group of cells
D. A group of worksheets

16) Comments put in cells are called…
A. Smart Tip
B. Cell Tip
C. Web Tip
D. Soft Tip

17) When working in page break preview, you can…
A. View exactly where each page break occurs
B. Change the print area
C. Add or remove page breaks
D. All of the above

18) When you copy a formula
A. Excel erases the original copy of the formula
B. Excel edits cell reference in the newly copied formula
C. Excel adjusts absolute cell references
D. Excel doesn’t adjust relative cell reference

19) We can insert comments.
A. Comment from the insert menu
B. Comment from the tools menu
C. Comment from the view menu
D. All of the above

20) Which of the following is not an option in the spelling dialog box?
A. Edit
B. Ignore
C. Ignore all
D. Change

1) D. None of the above
2) B. Freeze panes command on the window menu
3) C. Line chart
4) A. ###
5) B. No data will be entered into the adjacent cells
6) D. All of the above
7) D. All of the above
8) A. Input cells
9) C. Select columns e, f, and g
10) D. ‘

11) A. The print density of characters
12) D. Auto Outline
13) D. 65536
14) D. All of the above
15) C. A group of cells
16) B. Cell Tip
17) D. All of the above
18) B. Excel edits cell reference in the newly copied formula
19) A. Comment from the insert menu
20) A. Edit

Read Next: Objective Questions on Microsoft Excel with Answer

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