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Interview Questions on Microsoft Excel with Answer set 6

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Here is the collection of interview questions on Microsoft excel including the multiple-choice questions on the basis of Microsoft Excel features. It includes objective-type questions on Formula Auditing, circular reference, a Name box, Data Marker, and the Legend used in Microsoft Excel.

Read Also: Objective Questions on Microsoft Excel with Answer set-5

1) When you insert an excel file into a word document. The data are
A. Hyper-linked place in a word table
B. Linked
C. Embedded
D. Use the word menu bar and toolbars

2) All worksheet formula
A. Manipulate values
B. Manipulate labels
C. Return a formula result
D. Use the addition operator

3) Which of the following is available in Formula Auditing?
A. Trace Precedents
B. Trace Dependents
C. Trace Error
D. All

4) Concatenation of text can be done using…
A. Apostrophe(‘)
B. Exclamation(!)
C. Hash(#)
D. Ampersand(&)

5) You can enter which types of data into worksheet cells?
A. Labels, values, and formulas
B. Labels and values but not formulas
C. Values and formulas but not labels
D. Formulas only

6) Which of the following is NOT in the sheet
A. Tab Color
B. Rename
C. Hide
D. All

7) Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy-to-understand manner using…
A. Auto Formatting
B. Applying styles
C. Changing fonts
D. All of the above

8) A circular reference is
A. Geometric modeling tool
B. A cell that points to a drawing object
C. A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself
D. Always erroneous

9) Which of the following is used to copy the contents and formats of the bottom cell or cells of a selected range into the cells to the right?
A. Fill Left
B. Fill Up
C. Fill Right
D. Fill Down

10) Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas
A. Title bar
B. Menu bar
C. Formula bar
D. Standard toolbar

11) When a label is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must
A. Shorten the label
B. Increase the column width
C. Decrease the column width
D. Adjust the row height

12) A group of related data points plotted in a chart that originates from rows or columns on a single worksheet.
A. Data Label
B. Data Marker
C. Data Series
D. Legend

13) Name box located on…
A. Left size of the formula bar
B. Right side of the formula bar
C. Center of the formula bar
D. None of the above

14) The ChartWizard term data categories refers to
A. A chart plot area
B. A horizontal axis
C. The organization of individual values with a chart’s data series
D. The data range that supplies chart data

15) A box that identifies the patterns or colors assigned to the data series…
A. Data Label
B. Data Marker
C. Data Series
D. Legend

16) You can not link excel worksheet data to a word document.
A. With the right drag method
B. With a hyperlink
C. With the copy and paste special commands
D. With the copy and paste button on the standard toolbar

17) Excel uniquely identifies cells within a worksheet with
A. Cell names
B. Column numbers and row numbers
C. Column letters and row numbers
D. Cell locator’s coordinates

18) A bar, area or slice, or other symbols in a chart that represents a single data point or value.
A. Data Label
B. Data Marker
C. Data Series
D. Legend

19) Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell?
A. Pressing an arrow key
B. Pressing the tab key
C. Pressing the Esc key
D. Clicking on the formula bar

20) You want to view the progress of the stock market on a regular daily basis.
A. Pie chart
B. Row chart
C. Line chart
D. Column chart


1) B. Linked
2) C. Return a formula result
3) D. All
4) D. Ampersand(&)
5) A. Labels, values, and formulas
6) D. All
7) D. All of the above
8) C. A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself
9) B. Fill Up
10) C. Formula bar

11) B. Increase the column width
12) C. Data Series
13) A. Left size of the formula bar
14) B. A horizontal axis
15) D. Legend
16) D. With the copy and paste button on the standard toolbar
17) C. Column letters and row numbers
18) B. Data Marker
19) A. Pressing an arrow key
20) C. Line chart

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