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MCQ Questions on MS Word with Answer set-4

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Here are the collections of top 20 MCQ questions on MS Word with Answer includes multiple-choice questions on fundamentals of Microsoft Word included in MS Office.

1) Which of the following are valid Minimum and Maximum zoom sizes in MS-office?
A. 10, 100
B. 20, 250
C. 10, 500
D. 10, 1000

2) The insertion point …
A. provides features for changing margins, tabs and indentations
B. indicated the location where text line when necessary
C. is located under the standard toolbar and has short cut buttons
D. is located under the insertion toolbar and has short cut buttons

3) You can replace the text …
A. Ctrl+H
B. Ctrl+R
C. Replace from the edit menu
D. Both A and C

4) To update formula in a table, press the
A. F9 keys
B. ALT+F9 keys
C. SHIFT+F9 keys
D. F8 keys

5) To move the cursor page to page of documents.
A. Ctrl+Page Down
B. Ctrl+Page Up
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

6) The word-wrap feature …..
A. automatically moves the text to the next line when necessary
B. appears at the bottom of the document
C. allows you to type over the text
D. is the short horizontal line indicating the end of the document

7) You can move the insertion point in a table
A. With the up arrow and down arrow keys
B. With the shift + tab keys
C. With the tab key
D. All of the above

8) The following toolbars display in the word application window by default
A. Forms toolbar
B. Formatting toolbar
C. Drawing toolbar
D. All of the above

9) Ms office provides help in many ways. Which of these are more closer to the answer?
A. What is this
B. Office assistant
C. Help menu
D. All of the above

10) A table…
A. can be formatted with character formats like bold and paragraph formats like borders and shading
B. can be created and modified with a button on the standard toolbar
C. is a method of organizing data in your document
D. is a grid organized in columns and rows

11) Which is the latest version of Microsoft Word?
A. Microsoft Word 2000
B. Microsoft Word 2003
C. Microsoft Word 2007
D. Microsoft Word 2010

12) Which key or key combination will move the insertion point to the bottom of your document?
D. None of the above

13) The four types of mail merge main documents are …
A. Form letters, directories, catalogues and envelope
B. Form letters envelops and mailing labels, directories and lists
C. Basic letters, envelops, labels and list
D. Form letters, envelops, mailing labels and catalogue

14) Which of the following cannot be done with the document version?
A. Modifying a version
B. Deleting a version
C. Opening a version
D. None of the above

15) We can insert the maximum number of columns in Ms Word are …
A. 35
B. 15
C. 63
D. 65

16) Which of the following is not of the merge process?
A. Preview the merge results
B. Format the main document
C. Edit a data source
D. Identify the main document

17) Which type of files can not be navigated using the clip-art browser?
D. MP3

18) When you want to view different parts of a document without moving the insertion point.
A. Use the previous page or next page buttons
B. Use the keyboard
C. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars
D. Use the zoom button

19) In the merge process, you can
A. Preview a merge
B. Merge directly to a printer
C. Merge to the new document
D. All of the above

20) To view the smaller text on the screen you can …
A. Decrease the editing percentage
B. Increase the editing percentage
C. Decrease the view percentage
D. Increase the view percentage


1) C. 10, 500
2) B. indicated the location where text line when necessary
3) D. Both A and C
4) A. F9 keys
5) C. Both of the above
6) A. automatically moves the text to the next line when necessary
7) D. All of the above
8) B. Formatting toolbar
9) D. All of the above
10) D. is a grid organized in columns and rows
11) D. Microsoft Word 2010
12) D. None of the above
13) D. Form letters, envelops, mailing labels and catalog
14) D. None of the above
15) C. 63
16) B. Format the main document
17) D. MP3
18) C. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars
19) D. All of the above
20) D. Increase the view percentage

Read Next: Microsoft Word MCQ Questions with Answer set-5


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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