1) Which of the following is not a special program in Ms. Office?
A. Office Art
B. Clip Art
C. Word Art
D. Paint Art
2) Data fields …
A. are indicated by columns in a table
B. may be left empty
C. separate data into many logical parts
D. May contain multiple lines of text
3) To close the active documents…
A. Ctrl+W
B. Ctrl+C
C. Ctrl+Shift+C
D. All of the above
4) ………… is an animated character that gives help in Ms-office?
A. Office Worker
B. Comic Assistant
C. Office Assistant
D. None of the above
5) Right-click on something in Ms. Word …
A. Deletes the object
B. nothing the right mouse button is there for left-handed people
C. open the short cut list
D. inserts the picture
6) Which is not a data source component
A. Mail merge toolbar
B. Header row
C. Data fields
D. Data records
7) Which input device cannot be used to work in Ms-office?
A. Scanner
B. Light pen
C. Mouse
D. Joystick
8) Which of the following is not part of the merge process?
A. Date field
B. Merge field
C. Data source
D. Main document
9) Which key or key combination will move the insertion point to the bottom of your document?
A. Ctrl+End
B. Page down
C. Ctrl+Home
D. Ctrl+Page down
10) Which of the following is not a standard Ms-office Edition?
B. Advanced
C. Standard
D. Professional
Table of Contents
Read Also: Microsoft Word MCQ Questions with Answer
11) We can send the word documents …
A. Microsoft PowerPoint
B. Microsoft Excel
C. Microsoft Access
D. All of the above
12) If you change a document and then try to close the word application, the word will …
A. ignore any changes to the document
B. automatically save the changes without a message prompt
C. display a message prompting you to save changes
D. close without saving any changes to the document
13) Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in Ms-word?
A. Down Cursor key
B. Enter key
C. Shift+Enter
D. Control+Enter
14) Which of the following special characters can be used in a file name?
A. The semicolon(;)
B. The hyphen(-)
C. The period(.)
D. The pipe symbol(|)
15) The default page orientation of a Ms word is …..
A. Landscape
B. Portrait
C. Long side
D. Double long side
16) Which of these toolbars allows the changing of fonts and their sizes?
A. Standard
B. Formatting
C. Print Preview
D. None of these
17) We can change the direction of the text
A. Text box’s text
B. Table’s text
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
18) The horizontal ruler provides features you can use to …
A. record a macro
B. browse a document looking for text, graphics or tables
C. Move the insertion point below the end-of-file market
D. None of the above
19) Which bar is usually located below that title bar that provides categorized options?
A. Menu bar
B. Status bar
C. Toolbar
D. Scroll bar
20) To preserve any changes to the document currently displayed on your screen, you should
A. close the application
B. open a new document
C. move the document to the full screen
D. save the document frequently
1) D. Paint Art
2) B. may be left empty
3) A. Ctrl+W
4) C. Office Assistant
5) C. open the short cut list
6) D. Data records
7) D. Joy Stick
8) A. Date field
9) A. Ctrl+End
10) B. Advanced
11) A. Microsoft PowerPoint
12) C. display a message prompting you to save changes
13) B. Enter key
14) B. The hyphen(-)
15) B. Portrait
16) B. Formatting
17) C. Both of the above
18) D. None of the above
19) A. Menu bar
20) D. save the document frequently