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Programming MCQs

MCQ On VB.Net Data Types, Operators, Conditions And Loops

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This set of MCQ on data types, operators, conditions, and loops includes multiple-choice questions on visual basic .net  keywords, variables, functions and methods along with the details of their types. 

1. ………………… datatype in .Net FCL corresponds integer data type in
A) System.Int32
B) System.Int64
C) System.Int16
D) System.Number

2. The data data type in visual basic .net equivalent to ……………… data type in .net FCL.
A) System.Date
B) System.DateTime
C) System.Time
D) System.DateFormat

3. ………………… are symbols used to perform operations; like +, which performs addition operations, -, which performs subtraction operations  and so on.
A) Keywords
B) Operators
C) Variables
D) Expressions

4. ……………… are symbolic names given to values stored in memory and declared with the Dim keyword.
A) Keywords
B) Operators
C) Variables
D) Expressions

5. The keyword ……………………, gives variables protected access, which means they are accessible only from within their own class.
A) Protected
B) Friend
C) Protected Friend
D) Private

6. The variables in ………………. access means they are accessible only from within  their declaration context, including any nested procedures.
A) Protected
B) Friend
C) Protected Friend
D) Private

7. The …………….. variable is not associated with a specific instance of a class or structure.
A) Protected
B) Shared
C) Shadows
D) Friend

8. The ……………… variable are accessible from within the program  that contains their declaration, as well as anywhere else in the same assembly.
A) Protected
B) Friend
C) Protected Friend
D) Private

9. …………….. is used to declare arrays; which gives upper sounds of the dimensions of an array variable.
A) bound
B) bound array
C) bound list
D) bound table

10. ………….. function in is used to convert character code to character.
A) Char
B) Format
C) Convert
D) Chr

11. ………… function in converts character to character code.
A) Chr
B) Val
C) Asc
D) Str

12. ……………. function in converts string to number data type.
A) Chr
B) Val
C) Asc
D) Str

13. Which of the following string handling functions and methods are used to compare two strings.
i) StrComp  ii) String.Compare  iii) String.Equals   iv) String.CompareTo
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv

14. The string handling function, “Mid” in visual basic .net is used to ……………..
i) get a substring  ii) insert a substring  iii) remove text  iv) format string
A) i and ii
B) ii and iii
C) iii and iv
D) i and iii

15. The …………… property in array class of vb .net, returns an integer indicating the number of dimensions of the array.
A) sort
B) reverse
C) rank
D) index of

16. State the following statements are True or False for arrays in visual basic .net are
i) Array are objects in vb .net
ii) Array variables can have the public, protected, friend, private or protected friend specifier
A) True, False
B) False, True
C) True, True
D) False, False

17. In Int32structure ……………….. function converts the string representation of a number of its Int32 equivalent.
A) parse
B) reverse
C) rank
D) index of

18. ………………. method converts the value of the instance to a double representing the OLE Automation date.
A) Date CONV
B) TO OA Date
C) OLE Date
D) Auto Date


1. A) System.Int32
2. B) System.DateTime
3. B) Operators
4. C) Variables
5. A) Protected
6. D) Private
7. B) Shared
8. B) Friend
9. C) bound list
10. D) Chr
11. C) Asc
12. B) Val
13. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
14. D) i and iii
15. C) rank
16. C) True, True
17. A) parse
18. B) TO OA Date

Read Next:MCQ Questions On Windows Forms In VB.Net Part-1


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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