1. ………………… property on windows forms, gets or sets the size and location of the form on the windows desktop.
A) Clientsize
B) Size
C) DesktopBounds
D) Bounds
2. Windows forms public object property, …………….. gets or sets the bounding rectangle for the form.
A) Clientsize
B) Size
C) DesktopBounds
D) Bounds
3. ………………. method on windows forms public object methods, gets the child control that is located at the specified co-ordinates.
A) GetChildAtPoint
B) GetNextControl
C) GetChildControl
D) GetChildPoint
4. ……………. method finds the location of the specified screen point to client co-ordinates.
A) PointClient
B) GetClient
C) PointToClient
D) FocusClient
5. ……………. event occurs when a key is pressed while the form has the focus.
A) Keydown
B) Keypress
C) Keyup
D) KeyEnter
6. In the new sub procedure of windows forms, the code calls a procedure named ………………., which adds and arranges the controls in the form.
A) InitializeComponent
B) AddComponet
C) NewComponet
D) SubComponent
7. ……………….. keyword is used to refer to the current object.
A) Current
B) Me
C) This
D) ThisForm
8. The possible values for the FormBorderStyle property is/are the following
i) Fixed3D ii) None iii) FixedSingle iv) VariableDialog
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
9. Form’s ………………. property is used to specify t he initial position on the screen.
A) InitialPosition
B) StartPosition
C) StartScreen
D) InitialScreen
10. We can assign form’s start position property values from the FormStartPosition enumeration, with the following values.
i) Certerpart ii) CenterScreen iii) Manual iv) Location
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
11. Which of the following is the correct way of assigning value “centerscreen” for form’s startposition property.
A) StartPosition.Form1=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
B) Form1.StartPosition=CenterScreen.FormStartPosition
C) Form1.StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
D) Form1.StartPosition=FormStartPosition.Location.CenterScreen
12. ………….. class is built into the .Net Framework to display messages and accept input from the user.
A) Msgbox
B) MessageBox
C) InputBox
D) DisplayBox
13. …………….. is a string expression displayed as the message in the dialog box.
A) Prompt
B) Message
C) Expression
D) Dialog
14. Which of the following is/are the possible values of MsgBoxResult returned from MsgBox function.
i) Ok ii) Cancel iiii) Abort iv) Retry v) Ignore
A) i, ii, iii and v only
B) i, ii, iii and iv only
C) ii, iii, iv and v only
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
15. ………………… is one of the MessageBoxDefaultButton enumeration values that specifies which is the default button for the message box.
A) DefaultButton
B) MessageButton
C) MessageBox
D) DefaultMessage
16. Which of the following is NOT the MessageBoxButtons enumeration value.
A) Ok
B) OkCancel
C) None
D) YesNo
17. Which of the following is/are the MessageBoxIcon enumeration values.
i) Astrisk ii) Error iii) Hand iv) Ok
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
18. ……………… property returns a value of the ……………….. enumeration when the dialog box is closed.
A) DockPadding
B) DialogResult
C) Dialog Padding
D) DockResult
19. ……………… property of windows form sets the padding used between docked controls and the form’s edge.
A) DockPadding
B) DialogResult
C) Dialog Padding
D) DockResult
20. The Get and Set methods in the …………….. property to get and set the text in the text box.
A) Getdata
B) Textdata
C) Textproperty
D) GetSet
1. C) DesktopBounds
2. D) Bounds
3. A) GetChildAtPoint
4. C) PointToClient
5. B) Keypress
6. A) InitializeComponent
7. B) Me
8. A) i, ii and iii only
9. B) StartPosition
10. A) i, ii and iii only
11. C) Form1.StartPosition=FormStartPosition…
12. B) MessageBox
13. A) Prompt
14. D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
15. A) DefaultButton
16. C) None
17. A) i, ii and iii only
18. B) DialogResult
19. A) DockPadding
20. B) Textdata