1. In mouse cursor option ………………. is a cursor for mouse wheel operations when the mouse is moving and the window is scrolling horizontally and vertically downward to the left.
A) PanSE
B) PanSW
C) PanSouth
D) PanNW
2. In mouse cursor option …………….. is a cursor for mouse wheel operations when the mouse is moving and the window is scrolling vertically in an upward direction.
A) PanSE
B) PanSW
C) PanSouth
D) PanNorth
3. ………………… is a signed count of the number of rotation of the mouse wheel.
A) Alfa
B) Delta
C) Wheel rotation
D) Rotation count
4. Most of the functionally of the text box control is simply inherited from the …………….. class, which is also the a base class for the rich text box control.
A) TextBoxControl
B) RichTextBox
C) TextBoxBase
D) TextBox
5. …………….. control is generally used for editable text although it can also made read only.
A) TextBoxControl
B) RichTextBox
C) TextBoxBase
D) TextBox
6. We can limit the amount of text entered into TextBox control by setting ……………… property to a specific number of characters.
A) MaxLength
B) TotalLength
C) TextAmount
D) TextLimit
7. TextBox controls also can be used to accept password if the …………….. property is used to mask characters.
A) PasswordChar
B) PasswordCharacter
C) MaskChar
D) PasswordControl
8. Each hyperlink is a object of the ………………. class and is stored in a collection called links.
A) HyperLink.Link
B) LinkLabel.Link
C) Link.LinkLabel
D) Link.HyperLink
9. Which of the following is NOT the public properties of TextBox objects.
A) AutoSize
B) BackColor
C) BulletIndent
D) MaxLength
10. Which of the following is/are the public methods of TextBox objects.
i) Clear ii) Paste iii) LoadFile iv) Paste
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
11. Which of the following is NOT the public events of TextBox objects.
A) Autosize changed
B) Readonly Changed
C) Click
D) Link Clicked
12. Which of the following is/are the ways of add scroll bars to a text box using scroll bars property.
i) None ii) Horizontal iii) Vertical iv) Both
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
13. In order for the scroll bars to actually appear, the text box’s …………….. property must be True.
A) MultiLine
B) MultiText
C) Scrolling
D) MultiVisible
14. Which of the following is NOT the public property of RichTextBox Objects.
A) DetectURLs
B) DetectText
C) BulletIndent
D) RightMargin
15. Which of the following is/are the public methods of RichTextBox objects.
i) CanDelete ii) Find iii) LoadFile iv) SelectAll
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
16. The SaveFile method is used to save the text in a rich text box to disk, and the ……………. method to read it back.
A) LoadFile
B) ReadFile
C) ReadIt
D) ReadBack
17. Which of the following is/are the values of TextAlign property that takes from content Alignment enumeration.
i) BottomCenter ii) MiddleTop iii) TopLeft iv) MiddleLeft
A) i, ii and iii only
B) i, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
18. Which of the following is/are the public properties of LinkLabel objects.
i) ActiveLinkColor ii) LinkSize iii) LinkBehavior iv) Links
A) i, ii and iii only
B) i, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
19. Hyperlinks can be created using the …………………………………. method in LinkClicked event handler.
A) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start
B) System.Diagnostics.Hyperlinks.Start
C) System.Diagnostics.Link.Start
D) System.Diagnostics.Link.Event
20. In order to get the text associated with the link, ………………… method can be used.
A) e.Data.Link.ToString
B) e.Link.LinkData.ToString
C) e.LinkData.Link.ToString
D) e.Link.Data.ToString
1. B) PanSW
2. D) PanNorth
3. B) Delta
4. C) TextBoxBase
5. D) TextBox
6. A) MaxLength
7. A) PasswordChar
8. B) LinkLabel.Link
9. C) BulletIndent
10. C) i, ii and iv only
11. D) Link Clicked
12. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
13. A) MultiLine
14. B) DetectText
15. B) ii, iii and iv only
16. A) LoadFile
17. B) i, iii and iv only
18. B) i, iii and iv only
19. A) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start
20. B) e.Link.LinkData.ToString
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