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MCQ Questions On HTML5 Element Reference Part-2

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Here are the collections of 20 multiple choice objective questions on HTML5 elements reference, which includes MCQ on different types of HTML5 elements and element-specific attributes. You will find the questions and answers about form enctype and form method attributes, canvas shadow properties, different values used in form method attributes along with the different methods used to draw shapes using canvas methods.

1. In HTML5 ………………. attribute is set to the MIME type for how data should be transmitted to the URL specified in the action attribute.
A) formenctype
B) formmethod
C) formtarget
D) formvalidate

2. In HTML5 …………….. attribute indicates how form information should be transferred to the server using a particular HTTP method.
A) formenctype
B) formmethod
C) formtarget
D) formvalidate

3. A …………. value in the form method attribute within button element indicates that form data should be appended to the URL specified by the action attribute creating a query string.
A) post
B) get
C) put
D) delete

4. A value of ………………… for form method attribute transfers that data of the form in the message body using the HTTP post method.
A) post
B) get
C) put
D) delete

5. In HTML5 …………….. attribute is set to the name of a window or frame that the button action will target the result of the action, similar to the target attribute on <a> and <form> tags.
A) formenctype
B) formmethod
C) formtarget
D) formvalidate

6. In the primary canvas method ……………… returns an object that exposes the API necessary for accessing the drawing functions.
A) width
B) height
C) toDataURL
D) getContext

7. Which of the following is NOT the canvas rectangle method
A) clearRect
B) fillRect
C) drawRect
D) strokeRect

8. Which of the following is/are the canvas shadow properties of HTML5.
i) shadowBlur    ii) shadowLine   iii) shadowColor   iv) shadowOffsetX
A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv only

9. ……………… method of canvas rectangle draws the outline for the rectangle defined by the starting point(x,y) and the width w and height h.
A) drawRect(x,y,w,h)
B) strokeRect(x,y,w,h)
C) fillRect(x,y,w,h)
D) outlineRect(x,y,w,h)

10. …………………. attribute of <col> element is used to set the character on which the cells in a column should be aligned.
A) span
B) char
C) charoff
D) align
11. In HTML5 <col> element, ………….. attribute is used to indicate the number of characters by which the column data should be offset from the alignment characters specified by the char value.
A) span
B) char
C) charoff
D) align

12. ……………….. attribute applies the attributes of the col element to additional consecutive columns.
A) span
B) char
C) charoff
D) align

13. A typical value for ……………… attribute is a period ( . ) for aligning numbers or monetary values.
A) span
B) char
C) charoff
D) align

14. The default value of the span attribute of <colgroup> element is ……………
A) 1
B) 2.
C) 3
D) 0

15. The HTML5 element …………………. contains option elements that populate an input element with type=”list”.
A) <datalist>
B) <dt>
C) <dd>
D) <command>

16. Under HTML5, …………….. element has an overloaded meaning and may also be used to enclose the content within <details> and <figure> tags.
A) <datalist>
B) <dt>
C) <dd>
D) <command>

17. The HTML5 element ……………. represents additional information or interactive elements that can be shown on demand.
A) <details>
B) <explained>
C) <dd>
D) <additional>

18. HTML5 suggests that the section or content grouping nearest an occurrence of a ………………. element must contain the actual definition.
A) details
B) dir
C) dd
D) dfn

19. The ……………….. element indicates a generic block of content that should be treated as a logical unit for scripting or styling purposes.
A) division
B) definition
C) details
D) directory list

20. The common uses of the………………. element are to implement a glossary.
A) <dl>
B) <dt>
C) <div>
D) <dir>


1. A) formenctype
2. B) formmethod
3. B) get
4. A) post
5. C) formtarget
6. D) getContext
7. C) drawRect
8. C) i, iii and iv only
9. B) strokeRect(x,y,w,h)
10. B) char
11. C) charoff
12. A) span
13. B) char
14. A) 1
15. A) <datalist>
16. C) <dd>
17. A) <details>
18. D) dfn
19. A) division
20. A) <dl>

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Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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