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Web Designing MCQs

Multiple-Choice Questions On HTML5 Element Attributes

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This set of multiple-choice questions on HTML5 element attributes includes MCQ on different attributes of HTML elements that can be applied while developing and manipulating web pages and web applications. 

1. …………….. event occurs when an element loses focus, typically either by clicking the mouse or tabbing.
A) onchange
B) onblur
C) onfocus
D) onreset

2. HTML5 event attribute ……………….. signals that the form control has lost user focus and its value has been modified during its last access.
A) onchange
B) onblur
C) onfocus
D) onreset

3. …………….. event invoked generally by the cancellation of an image load but may happen on any communication that aborts.
A) onblur
B) onchange
C) onabort
D) onended

4. ……………….. event fires when a media element’s playback has ended because the end of the data resource has been reached.
A) onblur
B) onchange
C) onabort
D) onended

5. HTML5 event attribute …………………… fires when the user agent has the media’s metadata describing the media’s characteristics.
A) onload
B) onloaded data
C) onloaded metadata
D) onloadstart

6. ………………… event fires when the user agent can playback the media data at the current play position for the first time.
A) onload
B) onloaded data
C) onloaded metadata
D) onloadstart

7. HTML5 event attribute …………………… fires when a page is suspended through not necessarily fully unloaded.
A) onpageshow
B) onpagehide
C) onpopstate
D) onselect

8. In HTML5 event attribute, ………………….. fires when the selection state changes for the window.
A) onpageshow
B) onpagehide
C) onpopstate
D) onselect

9. ………………… event generally applies to media elements, but Ajax syntax has used a similar event.
A) onpopstate
B) onprogress
C) onselect
D) onstalled

10. The ………………… event should remain until the context menu is dismissed.
A) onshow
B) onstalled
C) onselect
D) onpageshow

11. The ………………. event may occur due to history navigation or may be triggered programmatically.
A) onpopstate
B) onprogress
C) onselect
D) onstalled

12. ……………….. event may move through various states as network-fetched data is received.
A) onreadystatechange
B) onratechange
C) onredo
D) onreset

13. HTML5 event attribute ………………….. is used to capture various events generally related to communication using Ajax, through may apply to arbitrary URL loading using media elements like images, audio and video.
A) onload
B) onended
C) onerror
D) oninput

14. ………………… event fires when a media stream is intentionally not being fetched but is not yet fully loaded.
A) onstalled
B) onsubmit
C) onsuspend
D) onunload

15. The HTML5 event ……………….. fires when media element play stops but new data is expected shortly.
A) onwaiting
B) onunload
C) onundo
D) onstop

16. ……………… event can be fired by direct targeting of the element or the event bubbling up.
A) onmenu
B) oncontext
C) oncontextmenu
D) onstop

17. HTML5 defines ………………. event attribute to pass the message between client and server as well as between documents that this handler can monitor.
A) onmessage
B) onlink
C) onpass
D) onrelease

18. ……………… event fires when the user agent begins to fetch media data, which may include initial metadata.
A) onload
B) onloadstart
C) onloadeddata
D) onloadedmetadata


B) onblur
2. A) onchange
3. C) onabort
4. D) onended
5. C) onloadedmetadata
6. B) onloadeddata
7. B) onpagehide
8. C) onpopstate
9. B) onprogress
10. A) onshow
11. A) onpopstate
12. A) onreadystatechange
13. C) onerror
14. C) onsuspend
15. A) onwaiting
16. C) oncontextmenu
17. A) onmessage
18. B) onloadstart

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Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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