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MCQ on PL/SQL and Oracle With Answer set -2

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Here you will find the collections of MCQ on PL/SQL and Oracle includes the collection of PL/SQL multiple-choice questions along with their answer. You will find here MCQ questions on different PL/SQL statements such as UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT SQL commands.

1. ………………….. are used to recreate if trigger already exists.
A) Cursor
B) Trigger
C) Keywords
D) Replace

2. ………………………… is used to define code that is executed/fired when certain actions or event occur.
A) Cursor
B) Trigger
C) Keywords
D) Replace

3. …………….. provide a way for your program to select multiple rows of data from the database and then process each row individually.
A) PL/SQL Cursors
B) PL/SQL Trigger
C) PL/SQL Select
D) PL/SQL Process

4. ……………………… cursor is declared by ORACLE for each UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT SQL commands.
A) Implicit
B) Explicit
C) Internal
D) External

5. ……………………. cursors are declared and used by the user to process multiple row, returned by SELECT statement.
A) Implicit
B) Explicit
C) Internal
D) External

6. ………………….. contain a pointer that keeps track of the current row being accessed, which enables your program to process the rows at a time.
A) Tracker
B) Cursor
C) Accesser
D) Trigger

7. ………………….. a cursor enables you to define the cursor and assign a name to it.
A) Declaring
B) Stating
C) Extracting
D) Importing

8. In ………………. the cursor advances to the next row in the active set each time the fetch command is executed.
A) recreating the process
B) redefining the process
C) iterative process
D) None of the above

9. A ……………………. is a database object that groups logically related PL/SQL types, objects and subprograms.
A) Module
B) Package
C) Body
D) Name

10. In the PL/SQL, the package specification contains ………………….. declarations.
A) Public
B) Private
C) Friend
D) Protected


1. D) Replace
2. B) Trigger
3. A) PL/SQL Cursors
4. A) Implicit
5. B) Explicit
6. B) Cursor
7. A) Declaring
8. C) iterative process
9. B) Package
10.A) Public

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Download: Free PDF E-book of DBMS MCQ questions


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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