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Web Designing MCQs

Solved MCQ Questions on XML set – 1

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This set of MCQ questions on XML includes solved multiple choice questions on fundamental of XML along with answers of each. It includes MCQ questions on definition of XML, entity in XML, tool for reading XML documents, embedding a CSS style sheet within an XML and Extensible Style sheet Language(XSL).

1. XML stands for ………………….
A) Extensible Markup Language
B) Eccessive Markup Language
C) Executive Markup Language
D) Extensible Managing Language

2. The XML format has a simpler set of …………………… than HTML.
A) loader rule
B) parsing rules
C) generator rule
D) logical rule

3. All information in XML is …………………
A) Unicode text
B) multi code
C) multi text
D) simple text

4. An entity in XML is a …………………………..
A) class
B) logical information
C) simple information
D) flexible information storage unit

5. A tool for reading XML documents is popularly called a …………………
A) XML delimiters
B) XML processor
C) XML parser
D) Both b and c

6. XSL stands for
A) Extensible Style sheet Language
B) Extensible Style Language
C) Exclusive Stylesheet Language
D) Exclusive Style Language

7. XML tabs are ………………………..
A) case sensitive
B) case insnesitive
C) easy
D) deficult

8. In XML the attribute value must always be quoted with ……………..
A) double quotes
B) single quotes
C) both a and b
D) name of attributes

9. Elements from the HTML namespace are displayed as they would in …………………..

10. An ……………….. block can be to embed a CSS style sheet within an XML document.
A) <bk:Book>
B) <Element Type>


1. A) Extensible Markup Language
2. B) parsing rules
3. A) Unicode text
4. D) flexible information storage unit
5. D) Both b and c
6. A) Extensible Style sheet Language
7. A) case sensitive
8. A) double quotes
9. C) HTML

Read More: Web Designing MCQ Questions and Answers


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.

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