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Solved MCQ on Database Normalization set-1

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This set of DBMS MCQ questions includes solved multiple choice questions about the database normalization. It also includes MCQ questions about different types of database normalization such as 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, and 4NF.

1. A ………………… specifies the actions needed to remove the drawbacks in the current design of a database.
A) 1 NF
B) 2 NF
C) 3 NF
D) Normal form

2. A relation is in ……………………… if an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an attribute of another composite key.
A) 2NF
B) 3NF
D) 1NF

3. The fifth Normal form is concerned with
A) Functional dependency
B) Multivalued dependency
C) Join dependency
D) Domain key

4. A table is in the ………………….. if only candidate keys are the determinants.
A) functional dependency
B) transitive dependency
C) 4 NF

5. In 2NF
A) No functional dependencies exist.
B) No multivalued dependencies exist.
C) No partial functional dependencies exist
D) No partial multivalued dependencies exist.

6. The normal form that is not necessarily dependency preserving is
A) 2NF
B) 3NF
D) 4NF

7. The …………….. is related to the concept of multi-valued dependency.
A) fourth normal form
B) fifth normal form
C) boyce codd normal form
D) third normal form

8. Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design?
A) 2NF
B) 5NF
C) 4NF
D) 3NF

9. Dependency preservation is not guaranteed in
B) 3NF
C) 4NF

10. A relation is ………………. if every field contains only atomic values that are, no lists or sets.
A) 1 NF
B) 2 NF
C) 3 NF


1. A ………………… specifies the actions needed to remove the drawbacks in the current design of a database.
D) Normal form

2. A relation is in ……………………… if an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an attribute of another composite key.
B) 3NF

3. The fifth normal form is concerned with
C) Join dependency

4. A table is in the ………………….. if only candidate keys are the determinants.

5. In 2NF
C) No partial functional dependencies exist

6. The normal form that is not necessarily dependency preserving is
A) 2NF

7. The …………….. is related to the concept of multi-valued dependency.
A) fourth normal form

8. Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design?
D) 3NF

9. Dependency preservation is not guaranteed in

10. A relation is ………………. if every field contains only atomic values that are, no lists or sets.
A) 1 NF

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