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Top 20 MCQ Questions On HTML5 Element Reference

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This set of top 20 MCQ questions on HTML5 element reference includes collections of multiple choice objective questions related to HTML5 elements and their corresponding attributes. You will find the MCQ questions about the elements <textarea>, <var>, <small>, <table>, <thead>, <tbody> and <tfoot> elements  along with the related attributes of them.

1. The HTML5 attribute, …………………. is used in <textarea> element should be set to a string that corresponds to the id of the form element that an interactive control such as a button is associated with.
A) form
B) pattern
C) placeholder
D) control

2. …………………. is the HTML5 attribute that specifies a regular expression against which the field should be validated.
A) form
B) pattern
C) validate
D) control

3. …………………… is the HTML5 attribute that specifies a short bit of text that is used to help the user figure out what type of information to fill in for a form control.
A) form
B) pattern
C) placeholder
D) control

4. A <textarea> element cannot be descendant of a/an ………………………… element.
A) form
B) div
C) button
D) article

5. ………………….. element is used to group the rows within the footer of a table so that common alignment and style defaults can easily be set for numerous cells.
A) <tgroup>
B) <tfoot>
C) <grows>
D) <frows>

6. The ……………………….. attribute used in <th> element is used to provide a name for a group of related headers.
A) rheaders
B) groupheaders
C) axis
D) scope

7. The ……………………. attributive used in <th> element takes a space separated list of id values that correspond to the header cell related to this cell.
A) headers
B) scope
C) thead
D) cell

8. The …………………… attribute specifies the table cells for which the current cell provides header information.
A) headers
B) scope
C) thead
D) cell

9. The ………………….. element is used to group the rows within the header of a table so that common alignment and style defaults can easily be set for numerous cells.
A) headers
B) scope
C) thead
D) multi-cell

10. The <title> element must occur within a document’s ………………………. element and must be present in all valid documents.
A) <meta>
B) <link>
C) <head>
D) <body>

11. ………………….. element is contained only in the <table>, <thead>, <tbody> and <tfoot> eleemens.
A) <tr>
B) <td>
C) <tt>
D) <dl>

12. …………………….. is a inline element, which is used to indicate that text should be rendered in monospaced font similar to teletype text.
A) <tr>
B) <td>
C) <tt>
D) <dl>

13. The Boolean attribute ………………………… indicates the browser should begin playing a video after page load once enough content has been received.
A) autoload
B) autoplay
C) auto-buffer
D) autoloadplay

14. …………………… is the attribute used in <video> element, that is set to the URL of an image that the browser will use in place of the video before it is loaded and playing.
A) loop
B) controls
C) src
D) poster

15. ……………………….. is the inline element used to indicate an identifier that occurs in a programming language or a mathematical expression.
A) <expression>
B) <variable>
C) <var>
D) <identifier>

16. The textarea element traditionally lacks a ………………………………. attribute, which causes a more obvious security risk.
A) length
B) maxlength
C) poster
D) autoplay

17. Content within a ………………………. element is not interpreted, so while space is preserved and tags themselves are ignored.
A) textarea
B) input
C) label
D) paragraph

18. The value of frame attribute, ……………………….. indicates only the top and bottom edges should be displayed.
A) hsides
B) below
C) border
D) rhs

19. ……………………… is empty HTML5 element, which is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements like audio and video.
A) source
B) resource
C) media
D) multimedia

20. The HTML5 element ………………… equivalent to using font-size:smaller.
A) <smallText>
B) <smaller>
C) <smallest>
D) <small>


1. A) form
2. B) pattern
3. C) placeholder
4. C) button
5. B) <tfoot>
6. C) axis
7. A) headers
8. B) scope
9. C) thead
10. C) <head>
11. A) <tr>
12. C) <tt>
13. B) autoplay
14. D) poster
15. C) <var>
16. B) maxlength
17. A) textarea
18. A) hsides
19. A) source
20. D) <small>

Read Next: Multiple Choice Questions On HTML5 Element Attributes


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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