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How to Achieve More Sales with Call Recording Software

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The conversations that take place between your salespeople and customers are an integral part of your business. These calls are an integral part of the sales process hence, the need to keep a record. 

You can use call recording software to record both inbound and outbound calls. The recorded audio is usually saved with the client’s contact details, history, and account information. This makes it possible to go back and listen to recorded conversations for clarification and training purposes. Call recording is particularly important in improving the productivity of your sales team, enhancing customer service, and boosting sales. 

Your business can achieve more sales and revenue from the use of call recording software. Some of the benefits that come with this platform include the following:

Ease of access to call data

Unlike the PBX platform, cloud-based call recording software has made it easy for businesses to not only record but also have real-time access to recordings.  You can access call recordings from wherever you are, at any given time with a simple click of the button. This means that sales managers don’t have to worry about the content of the conversations your sales reps are having with clients especially if your team is working remotely because you can simply access the recordings from your device or any other compatible device. 

A better understanding of customers’ needs

When you have call recording capabilities, your sales reps can take a peek into past interactions with customers to gain more insight into the client’s needs. They can listen to conversations between clients and other reps to gather important information they can use to adapt their approach. For instance, if a sales rep establishes that a client declined to purchase a product or service because of high pricing and the same (product) is now being offered at a discounted price, the agent can use this information to make an offer to the client again.

Gain business insight

Sales reps can only sell effectively when they understand the needs of the client. Call recording allows you to analyze phone calls with the goal of having a better understanding of customers’ needs. Additionally, you also get to understand the reasons behind some of the claims they make, what they think of customer satisfaction with the services or products you’re offering, and the quality of your sales campaigns. Recorded conversations help you optimize your campaigns before launching new products because you can identify areas that you need to improve on based on customer feedback.

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Powerful sales training tool

Call recording presents an opportunity for sales managers to track their sales reps’ performance and identify immediate training needs. Call recording software can serve as a powerful training tool for new hires and old sales reps alike. Sales managers can identify the best conversations to illustrate a point during training by singling out calls that score well on certain metrics and share them with the rest of the team for inspiration. Similarly, they can also identify the worst performing conversations so that reps can identify with the mistakes they may be making and avoid them in their future conversations with customers. 

Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation is an integral part of any business. By analyzing recorded conversations sales managers can compare the progress reps are making against the company standards.  Employees too can listen to their conversations as a way of reviewing to identify the air flaws. In the absence of call recording software, sales reps will never know how they sound when holding conversations with clients and most importantly the mistakes they make in the process that hinder the client from making the purchase decision. 

Dispute resolution

Call recording software comes in handy whenever a disagreement arises with a customer. When unhappy customers complain about an agent or even dispute a transaction, it is easy to go back to the recorded conversation to verify the claims. This also applies to disputes between employees, partners, vendors, or associates as they are sometimes inevitable. Call recording platforms make it easy to pinpoint the issue and recommend an appropriate solution. The ability to enhance training, improve efficiency and drive sales thereby improving the bottom line makes call recording software indispensable. No matter the size of your business, call recording software can help you to stay organized, track incoming leads and improve customer service. Call recording helps to monitor your business by giving you access to data that would have been lost soon after the reps hang up the call.


Shuseel Baral is a web programmer and the founder of InfoTechSite has over 12 years of experience in software development, internet, SEO, blogging and marketing digital products and services is passionate about exceeding your expectations.


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